
...ist das posting zum Templateprob gedacht? Habe nicht den Eindruck, kann mich aber täuschen.
jo, ich hab mir mal die NotesDatabase Klasse angesehen und bingo, es gibt eine Property, die das ausliest....lasset die Help sprechen:
This sub notifies database managers that the design of their databases is going to change. It takes the server (such as "Caracas") and file of a template database (such as MAIL4.NTF) and sends mail to the managers of all databases on the server that inherit from that template.
Sub templateNotification(server As String, file As String)
Dim templateDb As NotesDatabase
Dim templateName As String
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim directory As NotesDbDirectory
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set templateDb = New NotesDatabase( server, file )
templateName = templateDb.TemplateName Set directory = New NotesDbDirectory( server )
Set db = directory.GetFirstDatabase( DATABASE )
While Not ( db Is Nothing )
If (
db.DesignTemplateName = templateName ) Then
Call db.Open( "", "" )
Set doc = New NotesDocument( db )
doc.Form = "Memo"
doc.Subject = "Template changes in " & templateName
doc.Body = "The template " & templateName & _
" will be modified tomorrow."
Call doc.Send( False, db.Managers )
End If
Set db = directory.GetNextDatabase
End Sub
A call to this sub might look like this:
Call templateNotification( "Caracas", "mail4.ntf" )