Ich hatte bislang noch nie Ärger mit DA und von daher tat ich mich recht schwer den Fehler zu lokalisieren.
Jedenfalls macht es nach deiner Beschreibung Sinn weshalb es zu besagtem Verhalten kam, insofern merci für die Hinweise.
Zur allgemeinen Belustigung noch ein paar Auszüge aus dem PMR
I am suspecting there is a memory leak:
Set the following parameters in notes.ini to trap any leaks in suspected
memory blocks:
Sorry, die erste Zeile verschwindet immer wieder und die Parameter funktionieren nicht.
Hi Uwe;
Please do the following:
1- Shut down the server...
2- Modify notes.ini with that parameter.
3- Start server...
Now check if the line/parameter gets deleted or not...
Parameter ist wieder weg. Ausserdem kann ich den direkt in die Notes.ini einfügen und ein paar Minuten warten ohne etwas zu tun und er verschwindet.
Hi Uwe;
Its very strange that even after editing and saving notes.ini with editor
this setting gets deleted...!
Please opena new PMR for this specific issue...we can not debug this PMR
before solving that issue of notes.ini
Aha, ihr gebt mir ein Werkzeug an die Hand das nicht funzt und ICH soll dann dafür nein weiteren PMR aufmachen? geht's Euch eigentlich gut in Irland???
Ich bringe jetzt zwei Server auf Windows 64, dann sehen wir weiter.
Hi Uwe;
Thats really strange...
First time for me to see such a problem...
I think for now its better for you to move to Win64 then we continue with
issue from there...
Thank you for your time and cooperation...
..... einen Tag später dann wieder IBM:
Hi Uwe;
According to my understanding you will re-setup the server on a Win 64 bit
OS to avoid this memory issue...
For this I will proceed with closure of this PMR with option of reopening
within 28 days...
Please note that you can re-open a PMR easily within 28 days of closure by
sending a message with PMR ID in Subject field to:
Hallo? Lasst den PMR offen, der ist noch nicht gelöst!!!
OPC & Close
********************* CLOSURE QUESTIONS FOR CUSTOMERS ******************
Are you satisfied we've answered your questions? YES
Anything else I can do for you on this problem? NO
Do you have other product issues I can help with?NO
May we close this Problem Record? YES
No-Survey: N/A
*********************************************************** CCLSR102 **
Geil, die Fragen hat er mir nie gestellt und ich bin garnicht statisfyed und ja, er kann mehr für mich tun.
REOPEN PMR No08154711
Hi Uwe;
Thank you for the reply...
If your server now is based on Win 64 bit then this change in configuration
requires opening a new PMR so that things do not get confusing for people
working on the PMR...
For this please open a new PMR for the new env you have...
Oehmmmm ( Smiley das mit dem Kopf gegen die Wand hämmert )
Ich habe nur zwei Server auf Win64, die anderen sind noch 32bit, also offen lassen oder habt ihr einfach keine Lust zu helfen??
Hi Uwe;
Sorry I did not mean we are eager to close PMRs...
Its just that IBM policy is to be precise with PMRs and related issues &
environments to make it easier to follow up on problems...
I will keep the other PMR open and continue troubleshooting it...
Heute morgen NSD geschrieben, meine Vermutung in Richtung DA Thematik geäussert und auch wie ich den Fehler reproduzieren kann.
Hi Uwe;
Sorry to know your server crashed again...
Please make sure to always CC lotus_support@mainz.ibm.com quoting PMR #
so that NSDs and info you send go directly to the PMR
This is important as in case i am not available then one of my colleagues
will handle the issue...
I checked the NSD you provided but it seems it was either generated
manually or did not include any crash stack...!
The only info i could find is:
Monitor.Last.Server.FatalText = Mail from xyzserver01/SERVER/FRIMA to
destination xyzserver01/SERVER/FRIMA has exceeded its message limit.
So it seems this relates to some corrupted message...
All memory allocation seems to be fine, so this is not the same as previous
crashes of your server...
According to your input you believe this relates to Directory Assistance,
in this case one of your NAB files might be corrupted and resulting in
for this please run fix up on all your NAB files to remove any possible
corruptions, you can also replace such files from a back up...
It would be great if you can provide us with complete details for how to
reproduce this issue...
Thank you for your time and cooperation...
Okay, macht das Ticket zu, ich hab's gefunden......................
Immer wieder mühsam mit IBM Fehler zu suchen...