The Lotus Domino Messaging Express and Lotus Domino Collaboration Express offerings are designed for, and only available to, companies that have 1000 employees or fewer. License restrictions remove select Lotus Notes and Domino elements and attributes that are appropriate primarily for larger enterprises.You pay for the desired number of users, up to a maximum of 1000. The price includes entitlement to the Lotus Domino server, plus access from your choice of client: Lotus Notes or Lotus Domino Web Access software.Lotus Domino Collaboration Express includes a restricted license of Lotus Domino Enterprise Server that removes select capabilities designed for larger enterprises. You are entitled to use it on as many machines within your company as you would like, but access is limited to those users for whom you have paid the per user charge.
# Per user licensingPay a per user charge based on your total number of users. This option is available through a portfolio of packaged offerings-some designed for small and midsize businesses, and others designed for large enterprises. With these offerings, you are entitled to deploy as many Lotus Domino servers of a particular type as you want, and each user is entitled to use any one of a variety of specified client types. ...Q. What are the available per user license options?A. The per user license options are IBM Lotus Domino Express (Messaging Express or Collaboration Express), and IBM Passport Advantage Complete Enterprise Option (CEO) bundles.