Autor Thema: Sent emails become unreadable  (Gelesen 2076 mal)

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  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 6
Sent emails become unreadable
« am: 16.07.06 - 14:20:41 »
Dear friends at the Notes Forum,

From some days ago I'm in a trouble when sending emails. I'm using Lotus Notes 7.0 Release (August 18, 2005). Since I installed Notes 7.0 it worked fine, but as I've just told you since some days ago there's the following problem when I send emails:

The system seems to insert a blank line in the middle of the headers, and so the message is not properly decoded by the receiver. The email client receiving the email stops decoding the headers when it finds the blank line, and so the following headers are treated as part of the body of the message (thus appearing this way in the received message) and the attachments and HTML are not decoded but appearing as garbage on screen.

Let me show you a real example, this is a message I sent to myself as a test. The received message looks like this:

Return_Path:  <>
Received:  from csmtpmx15.frontal.correo ( by ems5.backend.correo (7.2.073)        id 44A1033200A43127 for; Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:55:03 +0200
Received:  from turia ( by csmtpmx15.frontal.correo (        id 00000000007BE016 for; Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:50:09 +0200
Received:  from ([]) by turia with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.2600.2180);    Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:54:45 +0100
$MessageID:  <TURIA4tc9OyabNljqRj00000002@turia>
X_OriginalArrivalTime:  16 Jul 2006 12:54:45.0578 (UTC) FILETIME=[03708AA0:01C6A8D7]
PostedDate:  16/07/2006 13:54:45
$SMTPNotFromNotes:  1
$MIMETrack:  Itemize by Notes Client on Administrador del Sistema(Release 7.0|August 18, 2005) at 16/07/2006 13:55:14,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Administrador del Sistema(Release 7.0|August 18, 2005) at 16/07/2006 13:56:35,MIME-CD complete at 16/07/2006 13:56:35
$Hops:  22
DeliveredDate:  16/07/2006 13:55:14
MailPop3UIDL:  0A146791454B660B
$UpdatedBy:  Administrador del Sistema

In-Reply-To: <>
(more headers and body)

Please note the blank line between "$UpdatedBy" and "RCPT TO" fields. When I open the message, the body begins with the "RCPT TO" line (as if it was really part of the message body) and the message is full of symbols and garbage (the special characters are not decoded and neither are the attachments).

As I told you I use Notes 7.0 to compose and send emails and I send them through the localhost SMTP server (Microsoft SMTP Server, which comes with Windows XP). But I don't think it's much related to my platform since I didn't have this problem from the beginning but suddenly after several months of successfully operation.

I hope you could help with this. Thank you very much in advance.

Guti (from Madrid, Spain)

Offline gutich

  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 6
Re: Sent emails become unreadable
« Antwort #1 am: 16.07.06 - 15:42:45 »
Hello again,

Through some tests I have discovered that such problem is caused by McAfee VirusScan when the outbound email scan option is enabled. So maybe I began experiencing this problem when VirusScan (which is regularly updated automatically by the system as newer versions appear) reached some version.

Anyone has experienced the same?

Thanks again


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