Hi item,
vielleicht hilft Dir das weiter:
NOTE: When referring to MaxFrameSize, this includes both the frame header size, along with the packet data size. However, referring to MaxPacketSizes includes the data but does not include the frame header.
To workaround this issue in Windows NT, do the following:
1. Change the MaxPacketSize or MaxFrameSize in Windows NT by selecting Control Panel, Installed Adapter Card, Adapter, Configure, MaxPacketSize or MaxFrame Size.
2. Set MaxPacketSize or MaxFrameSize to a 4 Mbit "packet" size (or "frame" size, respectively). For example, 4096, 4202 or 4216 (source routing). This value will depend upon the value that your NIC supports.
NOTE: Notes does not support 16MB packet or frame sizes.
3. Modify the Notes Buffer Sizes in the NOTES.INI . Locate the following line in the NOTES.INI file:
Start with a Notes Buffer size of 534 bytes and increase this size up to 4096 bytes, or until you see the errors begin. For each test setting, ensure a large enough Notes message (something greater than 4500 bytes) is sent and received. For example, open and create a document containing a bitmap image larger than 4500 bytes.
In this example, the fourth parameter specifies the Notes Buffer size. A value of "0" (zero) tells Notes to use the default, (8000 bytes in Notes R4 versions). Changing the Notes Buffer size on the Notes servers limits the number of Notes systems requiring modification, but will affect the performance for all SPX users, including those not experiencing the problem (for example, different OS, different NICs or different network drivers). Making the modification at the Notes workstations increases the number of systems needing modification, but only affects those systems having the SPX communication problems. Notes workstations and Notes servers negotiate their Notes Buffer sizes and use the smaller of the two buffers.
Danach den Server neu starten.