'STATUS LNPUBLIC FTDeleteIndex(HANDLE hDB); Declare Function FTDeleteIndex Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDB As Long) As Integer 'STATUS LNPUBLIC NSFDbClose( DBHANDLE hDB); Declare Function NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDB As Long) As Integer 'STATUS LNPUBLIC NSFDbOpen(char far *PathName, DBHANDLE far *rethDB); Declare Function NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval filepath As String, DB As Long) As Integer Dim Bufferstr As String Dim ReturnCodel As Long Dim hDBl As Long Dim session As New NotesSession 'Open the database ReturnCodel = NSFDbOpen(session.CurrentDatabase.FilePath, hDBl) If ReturnCodel <> 0 Then Error 9999, "An error occurred in the main routine calling the API function NSFDbOpen." & Chr$(10) & "The return code was " & Trim$(Str$(ReturnCodel)) & "." Exit Sub End If 'Delete the index ReturnCodel = FTDeleteIndex(hDBl) If ReturnCodel <> 0 Then Error 9999, "An error occurred in the main routine calling the API function FTDeleteIndex." & Chr$(10) & "The return code was " & Trim$(Str$(ReturnCodel)) & "." Call NSFDbClose(hDBl) Exit Sub End If 'Close the database ReturnCodel = NSFDbClose(hDBl)