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Evaluation Kit zum Erstellen von Web services
« am: 16.04.03 - 08:42:21 »

IBM stellt ein kostenloses Evaluation Kit zum Entwicklen von Web services zur Verfügung. Das Kit besteht aus 4 CD mit jeder Menge Software:

Contents of the CD:

Evaluation code:
IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0 for Windows Evaluation
IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5.0 for Windows Evaluation
IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition (ESE), V8.1 for Windows Evaluation
IBM Lotus Domino 6 for Windows NT and Windows 2000 (English)
IBM WebSphere SDK for Web Services for Windows V5.0
IBM Tivoli NetView for Windows V7.1.3
IBM Lotus Notes, Domino Designer and Admin 6 for Windows Evaluation
Support code:
SOAPConnect for LotusScript
DB2 Web Services consumer package
DB2 Web Services Object Runtime Framework (WORF)
Invoking Web services from SQL: Integrating relational data with Web services
Web services with WebSphere Studio V5 Part 1: Build and test
Web services with WebSphere Studio V5 Part 2: Deploy and publish
Creating Web services on Windows to access DB2
Creating Web services on Linux to access DB2
Integrating applications with Web services using WebSphere
Building Web Services using Lotus Domino 6
Building a J2EE application for Domino and WebSphere
Consuming an External Web service with Domino 6
Introduction to Web services and the WSDK
Creating a Web service from a Java class
Creating a Web service from a Stateless Session Bean (EJB)
Describing Web services: WSDL
Publishing your Web services: UDDI
Discovering Web services: UDDI
Securing Web services
IBM Redbooks:
WebSphere Version 5 Web Services Handbook
Web Services Wizardry with WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Domino Web Service Application Development for the IBM iSeries Server
Tivoli resources:
IBM Tivoli NetView for Windows Release Notes Version 7.1.3
Backing up WebSphere Application Server with Tivoli Storage Management
IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security WebSphere Handbook Series
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Business Integration
Extending IBM Content Manager with Web Services

Link: Software Evaluation Kit

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