Autor Thema: Parameter von API DesignRefresh()  (Gelesen 4654 mal)

Offline Flachmann

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Parameter von API DesignRefresh()
« am: 18.04.19 - 08:35:30 »

Ich habe hier den API DesignRefresh gefunden:

Declare Function W32_DesignReplace Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "DesignReplace" (Byval ht As Long, Byval hDB As Long, Byval dw1 As Long, Byval dw2 As Long, Byval dw3 As Long, Byval dw4 As Long) As Integer

Was bedeuten denn die vier dw-Parameter? In anderen Beispielen im Web sind die mal auf 0, mal auf 1 gesetzt. Nur eine Erklärung, was das jeweils bedeutet, fehlt.

Es gibt ja sicher eine API-Doku, aber ich finde leider nichts dazu.  :-X
« Letzte Änderung: 18.04.19 - 09:06:27 von Flachmann »

Offline Gutierrez

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Re: Parameter von API DesignRefresh()
« Antwort #1 am: 18.04.19 - 09:46:27 »

evtl. sind die Parameter diese Schalter aus dem Dialog:

Inherit future design changes
Hide formulas and LotusScript
Update Folder Design

Beste Grüße

Offline eknori

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Re: Parameter von API DesignRefresh()
« Antwort #2 am: 18.04.19 - 11:36:48 »
DesignREPLACE ist im Gegensatz zu DesignREFRESH undokumentiert.

Die parameter habe ich momentan nicht parat, kann ich aber am WE nachliefern.
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline eknori

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Re: Parameter von API DesignRefresh()
« Antwort #3 am: 18.04.19 - 12:22:44 »
Hier die Informationen die mir vorliegen

/* DesignReplace - Redesign a notefile from a template 
*        This replaces ONLY the notes that exist in the design collection, 
*        that is, Forms, Views, Fields, and Filters. 
*        Note that this subroutine also refreshes the database class, etc. 
*        Inputs: 
*                hSrcDB - DB handle of template file 
*                hDstDB - DB handle of destination file 
*                fForce - Operation should always be done, even if destination is "up to date" 
*        Outputs: 
*                Return value - error status. 
STATUS far PASCAL DesignReplace( 
DBHANDLE hTemplate,  
BOOL fPropagateSrcClass,  
BOOL fForce,  

/* DesignReplaceExtended - Redesign a notefile from a template 
*        This replaces ONLY the notes that exist in the design collection, 
*        that is, Forms, Views, Fields, and Filters. 
*        Note that this subroutine also refreshes the database class, etc. 
*        Inputs: 
*                hSrcDB - DB handle of template file 
*                hDstDB - DB handle of destination file 
*                fForce - Operation should always be done, even if destination is "up to date" 
*                fPreserveFolders - allows folders without the preserve bit set to be retained 
*                                                        if TRUE.  This was added to v4.53 and 4.61 to prevent new folders 
*                                                        from being blown away in a mail conversion where the mail 
*                                                        file was created without the "Inherit from design" checkbox 
*                                                        checked.  Existing callers of DesignReplace are unaffected. 
*                pLangList - List of languages.  When the template is a multilingual and this argument 
*                                        is specified, design notes in the template which have a language tag not 
*                                        in the list are excluded. 
*        Outputs: 
*                Return value - error status. 
STATUS far PASCAL DesignReplaceExtended(DBHANDLE hTemplate, 
BOOL fPropagateSrcClass, 
BOOL fForce, 
BOOL fPreserveNewElements, 
LIST *pLangList,  
BOOL fRestoreAgentCode, 
BOOL fHideWhenDone, 
BOOL AllowDupes); 
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline Flachmann

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Re: Parameter von API DesignRefresh()
« Antwort #4 am: 18.04.19 - 12:26:34 »
Super, vielen Dank!  :)


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