Autor Thema: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory  (Gelesen 18916 mal)

Offline PadawanDeluXe

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Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« am: 11.07.13 - 10:35:21 »
Hallo zusammen,

ich lese hier schon seit längerer Zeit mit und nun will ich auch mal den ersten Thread hier starten. Nachdem ich erfolgreich nach ein paar Anläufen meinen ersten Domino aus der Taufe gehoben habe erhalte ich nun folgende Fehlermeldung auf der Konsole:

[23855:00002-3028477648] 11.07.2013 10:26:45   Admin Process: Path: admin4.nsf: Insufficient memory.

Ich hatte vorher schon folgenden Parameter in der Notes.ini gesetzt, nachdem ich diesen Link glesen hatte:

Eigentlich hatte ich mir erhofft, dass es damit getan wäre, aber falsch. Es erscheint wieder diese Fehlermeldung. Das was ich in der IBM KB finde ist nicht so vielversprechend. Transactional logging ist ausgeschaltet auf dem Server. Jemand vll eine Idee wie ich das fixen kann?
Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline PadawanDeluXe

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #1 am: 19.08.13 - 09:53:13 »
GuMo zusammen.....

ich schiebe den Thread nur ungern durch Doppelposting nach oben, aber ich stelle mir irgendwie so ein bisschen selbst die Frage, ob ich was wichtiges ausgelassen habe, dass zur Lösung benötigt wird? Ich arbeite erst zwei Jahre aktiv mit Notes/Domino also sagt mir bitte wo ich den Fehler gemacht habe?

Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #2 am: 19.08.13 - 10:09:54 »
Bekommst du nur diese Fehlermeldung, oder zeigt das auch noch andere Auswirkungen. Hast du schon einmal eine komplette Wartung (fixup compact ) der admin4.nsf gemacht? Welche ODS hat die Datenbank?
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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #3 am: 19.08.13 - 10:23:13 »
Was Ralf schrieb.
HW, OS Version, Memory Spez., ....?
Alle Fixpacks eingespielt?
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #4 am: 20.08.13 - 10:36:00 »
Hallo Carsten,
das Problem kenne ich nicht, aber mal was grundsätzliches: Parameter in der notes.ini, die mit "debug" anfangen werden nie ein Problem lösen. Das bedeutet nur, dass die entsprechenden Fehler ins Log geschrieben werden (korrigiert mich wenn ich mich irre).


Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #5 am: 20.08.13 - 10:41:29 »
Hallo Carsten!

Du irrst dich. Es gibt einige Debug Parameter wie dieser die nichts mit der Protokollierung zu tun haben sondern die Verhaltensweise von Server tasks in diesem Fall fixup beeinflussen. Nur hat der Debug parameter hier nichts mit dem Problem zu tun. Warten wir einfach mal auf die Beantwortung der offenen Fragen vom Orignialposter.


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Offline PadawanDeluXe

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #6 am: 26.08.13 - 14:38:53 »

also ich versuche es jetzt mal chronologisch abzuarbeiten:

die Hardware:
  • VM Maschine
  • 80 GB HDD
  • 2GB RAM fest 4GB dynamisch

Was die Dominoinstallation angeht:
Es ist Domino 9 installiert. Ich poste hier Mal einen 'sh server' Aufruf von der Büchse:


[18824:00020-2940705648] IBM Domino (r) Server (Release 9.0HF68  for UNIX) 26.08                  .2013 14:30:40

[18824:00020-2940705648] Server name:            <Domino01>
[18824:00020-2940705648] Domain name:            <geheim>
[18824:00020-2940705648] Server directory:       /local/notesdata
[18824:00020-2940705648] Partition:              .local.notesdata
[18824:00020-2940705648] Elapsed time:           7 days 14:28:46
[18824:00020-2940705648] Transactions/minute:    Last minute: 20; Last hour: 21;                   Peak: 9846
[18824:00020-2940705648] Peak # of sessions:     5 at 21.08.2013 12:13:27
[18824:00020-2940705648] Transactions: 250423    Max. concurrent: 100
[18824:00020-2940705648] ThreadPool Threads:     100  (TCPIP Port)
[18824:00020-2940705648] Availability Index:     100 (state: AVAILABLE)
[18824:00020-2940705648] Mail Tracking:          Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Mail Journalling:       Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Number of Mailboxes:    1
[18824:00020-2940705648] Pending mail: 0         Dead mail: 0
[18824:00020-2940705648] Waiting Tasks:          0
[18824:00020-2940705648] DAOS:                   Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Transactional Logging:  Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Fault Recovery:         Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Activity Logging:       Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Server Controller:      Not Enabled
[18824:00020-2940705648] Diagnostic Directory:   /local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_                  SUPPORT
[18824:00020-2940705648] Console Logging:        Enabled (10240K)
[18824:00020-2940705648] Console Log File:       /local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_                  SUPPORT/console.log
[18824:00020-2940705648] DB2 Server:             Not Enabled

Details zur admin4.nsf:
ODS Version 43

Was ich gemacht habe:
-Fix Packs nachgezogen (da fehlte eins)
- Debug Parameter in der Notes.ini gesetzt
- keinen compact/fixup über die admin4.nsf
Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #7 am: 26.08.13 - 14:43:10 »
Ich würde auf jeden Fall mal die ODS auf die neueste Version bringen und dann schauen, ob das Problem weg ist.


Jede Menge Tipps und Tricks zu IT Themen findet Ihr auf meinem Blog  Everything about IT  Eine wahre Schatzkiste sind aber sicher die Beiträge zu meinem Lieblingsthema Tipps und Tricks zu IBM Notes/Domino Schaut doch einfach mal rein.

Offline PadawanDeluXe

  • Frischling
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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #8 am: 27.08.13 - 13:08:23 »

nach dem Update besteht das Problem immer noch. Hier die komplette Historie:

[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($Programs)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($ServerAccess)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Invalid collection data was detected.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Database Fixup: Error fixing view 2174 in pubnames.ntf: Insufficient memory.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($ServerConfig)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($ServersLookup)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($Servers)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($Users)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Invalid collection data was detected.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pubnames.ntf view note Title:'($vwServersByMajVer) $vwServers')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:54   Completed consistency check on views in database pubnames.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on certpub.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Completed consistency check on certpub.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on views in database certpub.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/certpub.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Completed consistency check on views in database certpub.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on Stamm/perPDFVerwaltung.nsf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Document NT00000906 in database /local/notesdata/Stamm/perPDFVerwaltung.nsf is damaged: Document attachment is invalid
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Document (UNID OF2CD374E1:73C332B3-ONC1257B5B:0073293C) in database /local/notesdata/Stamm/perPDFVerwaltung.nsf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Completed consistency check on Stamm/perPDFVerwaltung.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Database Fixup: Unable to fixup database Stamm/perPDFVerwaltung.nsf: The integrity of a database storage container has been lost - the container will be rebuilt.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on mailgood.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Completed consistency check on mailgood.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on views in database mailgood.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/mailgood.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Completed consistency check on views in database mailgood.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:55   Performing consistency check on pernames.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Completed consistency check on pernames.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Performing consistency check on views in database pernames.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($AccountsByType)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Accounts)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Adminp)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Certifiers)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Connections)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($CrossCertByName)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($CrossCertByRoot)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($EmailAddresses)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Locations)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($MailGroups)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($PeopleGroupsFlat)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Programs)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($ServerAccess)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Invalid collection data was detected.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/pernames.ntf view note Title:'($Users)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Invalid collection data was detected.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:56   Completed consistency check on views in database pernames.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Performing consistency check on updatesite.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Completed consistency check on updatesite.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Performing consistency check on views in database updatesite.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/updatesite.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Completed consistency check on views in database updatesite.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Performing consistency check on domcfg5.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Completed consistency check on domcfg5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Performing consistency check on views in database domcfg5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/domcfg5.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/domcfg5.ntf view note Title:'Sign In Form Mappings LoginMapp')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/domcfg5.ntf view note Title:'Sign In Form Mappings LoginMapp')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Completed consistency check on views in database domcfg5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:57   Performing consistency check on log.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on log.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on views in database log.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/log.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/log.ntf default view note Title:'Miscellaneous Events MiscEvents')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/log.ntf default view note Title:'Miscellaneous Events MiscEvents')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on views in database log.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on nntpdi50.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on nntpdi50.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on views in database nntpdi50.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/nntpdi50.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on views in database nntpdi50.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on views in database doladmin.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/doladmin.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on views in database doladmin.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on views in database lndsutr.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/lndsutr.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on views in database lndsutr.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on domlog.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on domlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Performing consistency check on views in database domlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/domlog.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/domlog.ntf default view note Title:'All Requests vwAllRequests')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/domlog.ntf default view note Title:'All Requests vwAllRequests')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:58   Completed consistency check on views in database domlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on imapcl5.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on imapcl5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on views in database imapcl5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/imapcl5.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on views in database imapcl5.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on admin4.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document NT00000152 in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document (UNID OFB117E8CC:E7730923-ON85256285:005AF8C8) in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document NT000001BA in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document (UNID OFA9C6A992:6BE872F7-ON8525695F:003B3A67) in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document NT000001BE in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document (UNID OF05E35DF6:BA121A86-ON8525695F:003B3A68) in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document NT000001C2 in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Document (UNID OFC7F34582:B304975E-ON8525695F:003B3A69) in database /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on admin4.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on views in database admin4.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/admin4.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on views in database admin4.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on decomsrv.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on decomsrv.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Performing consistency check on views in database decomsrv.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/decomsrv.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:01:59   Completed consistency check on views in database decomsrv.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on userlicenses.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Completed consistency check on userlicenses.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on views in database userlicenses.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/userlicenses.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Completed consistency check on views in database userlicenses.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on views in database CarstenNotebook.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/CarstenNotebook.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Completed consistency check on views in database CarstenNotebook.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on views in database KB.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/KB.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Completed consistency check on views in database KB.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on discussion9.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Completed consistency check on discussion9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Performing consistency check on views in database discussion9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:00   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/discussion9.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/discussion9.ntf view note Title:'($Profiles) ($Profiles)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Completed consistency check on views in database discussion9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Performing consistency check on domadmin.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Completed consistency check on domadmin.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Performing consistency check on views in database domadmin.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/domadmin.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:01   Completed consistency check on views in database domadmin.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Performing consistency check on da.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Completed consistency check on da.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Performing consistency check on views in database da.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/da.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/da.ntf default view note Title:'Directory Assistance DirectoryA')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/da.ntf default view note Title:'Directory Assistance DirectoryA')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/da.ntf view note Title:'($DirectoryAssistance)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/da.ntf view note Title:'($DirectoryAssistance)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Completed consistency check on views in database da.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Performing consistency check on views in database mail/cstamm.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:02   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/mail/cstamm.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Completed consistency check on views in database mail/cstamm.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Performing consistency check on views in database mail/ladminis.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/mail/ladminis.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Completed consistency check on views in database mail/ladminis.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Performing consistency check on views in database mail/SocialMedia.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/mail/SocialMedia.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Completed consistency check on views in database mail/SocialMedia.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Performing consistency check on mailbox.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Completed consistency check on mailbox.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:03   Database Fixup: Unable to fixup database mailbox.ntf: Insufficient memory.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Performing consistency check on
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Completed consistency check on
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Performing consistency check on views in database
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/ default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] err_invalid_btree ERROR: Insufficient memory. [/local/notesdata/]
[00686:00002-3028272848] BTExit: Unexpected error 'B-tree structure is invalid' (028E) on database
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   NIF: DETECTED INDEX ERROR 'B-tree structure is invalid'
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   NIF: in /local/notesdata/ collection "", ID=1290 length 1024
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Completed consistency check on views in database
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Performing consistency check on schema.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Completed consistency check on schema.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Performing consistency check on views in database schema.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:04   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/schema.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on views in database schema.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on views in database mailgood.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/mailgood.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on views in database mailgood.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on ddm.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT00000302 in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OF2E671DC6:344073BF-ON85256F6A:0003783F) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT00000306 in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OF5E089496:4875AD98-ON85256F6A:0003783E) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT0000030A in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OF283A789E:76B62C81-ON85256F6A:00037841) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT0000030E in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OFBFBB22D9:6DA50D79-ON85256F6A:00043C2C) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT00000312 in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OFE2360918:BF545F03-ON85256E18:007C2A25) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT00000316 in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OFC3BA9BFD:0C690889-ON85256ED8:0062F308) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT0000031A in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OF57226C03:E5E83372-ON85256FF9:0062A49D) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document NT00000322 in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf is damaged: Document has invalid structure
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Document (UNID OFFADC12AB:28AE762E-ON85256E21:006F9897) in database /local/notesdata/ddm.ntf has been deleted
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on ddm.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on views in database ddm.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on views in database ddm.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on certlog.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on certlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on views in database certlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/certlog.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Completed consistency check on views in database certlog.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Performing consistency check on views in database ddm.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:05   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/ddm.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:06   Completed consistency check on views in database ddm.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:06   Performing consistency check on views in database IBM_ID_VAULT/PadawanIDVault.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:06   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/IBM_ID_VAULT/PadawanIDVault.nsf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:06   Completed consistency check on views in database IBM_ID_VAULT/PadawanIDVault.nsf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:06   Performing consistency check on teamrm9.ntf...
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Completed consistency check on teamrm9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Performing consistency check on views in database teamrm9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Informational, rebuilding view - user specified REBUILD (reading /local/notesdata/teamrm9.ntf default design note Title:'')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/teamrm9.ntf view note Title:'($Profiles) ($Profiles)')
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Completed consistency check on views in database teamrm9.ntf
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Database Fixup: Unable to fixup database certreq.ntf: Insufficient memory.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Database Fixup: Unable to fixup database doclbw7.ntf: Insufficient memory.
[00686:00002-3028272848] 27.08.2013 13:02:07   Database Fixup: Shutdown

                                                                                                                                                                                      > LOAD HTTP >/local/notesdata/rem56413.con
> l[00696:00002-3019585232] 27.08.2013 13:02:24   HTTP Server: Already running                                                                                                          


> load updall -B
load updall -B
> [00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:33   Index update process started:  -B
[00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:33   Releasing unused storage in database dbdirman.nsf...
[00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:34   Releasing unused storage in database webadmin.nsf...
[00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:34   Error full text indexing document NT00000000 /local/notesdata/mail/cstamm.ft (rc=263) Insufficient memory.
[00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:34   Error full text indexing Insufficient memory.
[00705:00002-3027965648] 27.08.2013 13:03:35   Index update process shutdown
[31379:00006-3028637392] 27.08.2013 13:03:44   Directory Assistance failed opening Primary Domino Directory names.nsf, error: Insufficient memory.
[31135:00139-2908199792] 27.08.2013 13:04:54   Opened session for Jedi01/PADAWAN (Release 9.0)
[31382:00023-2340182896] 27.08.2013 13:04:54   Notes Traveler: SEVERE CN=Carsten Stamm/O=PADAWAN Internal Error: Debug Data: Error on opening database path Database 'mail/cstamm.nsf' on 'CN=Jedi01/O=PADAWAN' PathName='CN=Jedi01/O=PADAWAN!!mail\cstamm.nsf'. Error(107 )=Insufficient memory.
[31382:00023-2340182896] 27.08.2013 13:04:54   Notes Traveler: SEVERE CN=Carsten Stamm/O=PADAWAN Error: "Internal Error:  Problem connecting to Domino user mailfile. Debug Data: Domino Server='CN=Jedi01/O=PADAWAN' Mailfile='mail/cstamm.nsf'
[31135:00139-2890390384] 27.08.2013 13:04:54   Closed session for Jedi01/PADAWAN Databases accessed:     1   Documents read:     0   Documents written:     0   Transactions:     2

Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #9 am: 27.08.13 - 13:20:18 »
Ui das sieht wirklich übel aus. Eventuell ein Virenscanner auf der Maschine aktiv?

Ich würde den Server mal stoppen. Eine Datenbank bei der du den Fehler bekommst übers Filesystem auf den Notesclient kopieren. Dort mal Fixup -a, compact -c Updall -R und dann -X machen. Wenn dann die Datenbank im Notes client funktioniert diese wieder zurückkopieren und schauen ob sie dann am Server funktioniert.


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Offline m3

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #10 am: 27.08.13 - 23:51:08 »
Im Filesystem ist genug platz?
Was das eine "neue" Installation oder kamen die Files von einer anderen/fruehere Installation? Falls es keine neue Installation war, woher kamen die Daten (OS, ...) und wie wurden diese kopiert?
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

"If there isn't at least a handful of solutions for any given problem, it isn't IBM"™ - @notessensai

Offline PadawanDeluXe

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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #11 am: 03.09.13 - 10:59:17 »
Das Filesystem muss genug Platz haben. Das ist eine 80GB HDD. Einen Virenscanner hat er auch nicht drauf.

@Ralf: Kann ich das nicht genauso gut auf dem Server machen? Das Ding ist nicht wirklich "produktiv". Der einzige User der dort wohnt bin ich.  ;D

Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline PadawanDeluXe

  • Frischling
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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #12 am: 06.09.13 - 16:18:29 »

ich wollte hier kurz ein kleines Statusupdate geben. Nach compact/fixup/updall auf die Datenbanken folgende Meldung:

[13684:00002-3028752080] 06.09.2013 13:37:05   Admin Process: Path: admin4.nsf: Insufficient memory.

Kann mir jm helfen?

Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Offline m3

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    • leyrers online pamphlet
Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #13 am: 06.09.13 - 19:10:32 »
Server stoppen, admin4.nsf auf einen Client kopieren und damit oeffnen. Geht das? Wenn ja, hat die HD am Server was.

Wenn nein, ist die admin4.nsf kaputt. Aus dem Notes Data Verzeichnis moven und Domino starten. Sollte eine Neue anlegen, dann hoffentlich ohne Probleme. Oder aus einem Backup eine funktionierende Version holen.
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

"If there isn't at least a handful of solutions for any given problem, it isn't IBM"™ - @notessensai

Offline PadawanDeluXe

  • Frischling
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Re: Domino 9 Server - insufficient memory
« Antwort #14 am: 09.09.13 - 20:23:44 »
Hi Martin,

du hattest Recht. Die admin4.nsf hatte mehrere defekte Ansichten. Woher kommt sowas? (ich bin immer noch Frischling  ::) ) Der Server wurde nach entfernen der Datenbank neu gestartet. Die DB wurde neu angelegt. Ich werde jetzt warten und berichten wie er sich verhält.

Erst einmal vielen Dank an alle.

Viele Grüße

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein


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