Autor Thema: Source Control via SVN for Domino Designer on OpenNTF  (Gelesen 4259 mal)

Offline WernerMo

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endlich ist es soweit: "Source Control via SVN for Domino Designer" ist auf OpenNTF verfügbar

Gruß Werner
Danke an Bernhard, da war doch glatt zweimal das Protokoll angeben.

« Letzte Änderung: 04.11.10 - 15:22:30 von WernerMo »
Gruß Werner
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Re: Source Control via SVN for Domino Designer on OpenNTF
« Antwort #2 am: 04.11.10 - 16:17:25 »
Das alte Problem
- Rest of the design elements, Form, View, Pages, Java script libraries, Agents, Shared Actions, etc are represented as a file containing the DXL of the design element.
Und weil dxl gegenüber nsf immer nicht voll roundtrip-engineering fähig ist, würd ich das mit Vorsicht geniessen.

Frau Leeland dazu in den Kommentaren:
5  - text based DXL does not round trip 100% yet, but if you choose the binary encoding option (in preferences/domino designer/source control) those issues SHOULD be mitigated.

It is important to remember that this is a work in progress, and while there are projects that are already successfully using this plugin, it is of course recommended that you keep a backup nsf of your work.

6. There is also a preference to enable implicit export of design elements after they are modified inside NSF by user. If this preference is selected any edits to the NSF project (e.g. create/update/delete of a form, XPages, etc) are reflected to the on-disk project implicitly, which user can then commit to the source control repository.
Genau solche Automatisierungsfeatures sorgen in aller Regel für Probleme.

7. There is also a preference provided for allowing implicit import of design files from disk into NSF when they are modified in the disk project. This also needs Auto-build to be ON. After setting this preference, if user updates the disk project with the contents from the repository,the changes would get auto-imported inside NSF.
noch schlimmer...

8. There is an explicit menu provided , "Synchronize NSF with on-disk project", to trigger the sync manually.
Das wär dann meine Wahl.

Ich stimm nicht mit allen überein, aber mit vielen und sowieso unterhaltsam ->


Aquí no se respeta ni la ley de la selva.
(Hier respektiert man nicht einmal das Gesetz des Dschungels)

Nicanor Parra, San Fabian, Región del Bio Bio, República de Chile


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