I UserInfo 11/Jun/10, 08:58:30 Started, version
I StAuthenti 11/Jun/10, 08:59:22 LDAP version of authentication initialized debug for StAuthenticationLdap_STT120MCU
I Log 11/Jun/10, 08:59:24 Notes version of Log initializes debug for e:\Lotus\Domino\stmeetinglogger.exe
I StAuthenti 11/Jun/10, 08:59:26 LDAP version of authentication initialized debug for StAuthenticationLdap_STWBServer
I StAuthenti 11/Jun/10, 08:59:38 LDAP version of authentication initialized debug for StAuthenticationLdap_stav
I StAuthenti 11/Jun/10, 08:59:39 LDAP version of authentication initialized debug for StAuthenticationLdap_STAuthenticationServer
I Server 11/Jun/10, 09:01:07 Setting exception handler for service Server
I Server 11/Jun/10, 09:01:07 Started, version
I Server 11/Jun/10, 09:01:07 Community name for client use is set to for server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I Config 11/Jun/10, 09:01:08 Setting exception handler for service Config
I Config 11/Jun/10, 09:01:08 Started, version
I Config 11/Jun/10, 09:01:08 Initialized StConfig.dll file interface, version
I Config 11/Jun/10, 09:01:08 Initialization completed
I Logger 11/Jun/10, 09:01:10 Setting exception handler for service Logger
I Logger 11/Jun/10, 09:01:10 Started, version
I Log 11/Jun/10, 09:01:10 Notes version of Log initializes debug for e:\Lotus\Domino\StLogger.exe
I Log 11/Jun/10, 09:01:10 Initialized Log notes interface, version
I Log 11/Jun/10, 09:01:10 Initialization completed
I Places 11/Jun/10, 09:01:11 Setting exception handler for service Places
I Places 11/Jun/10, 09:01:11 Started, version
I Places 11/Jun/10, 09:01:11 Places is operating in mode OFF (0)
I Users 11/Jun/10, 09:01:12 Setting exception handler for service Users
I Users 11/Jun/10, 09:01:12 Started, version
I StAuthenti 11/Jun/10, 09:01:12 LDAP version of authentication initialized debug for StAuthenticationLdap_StUsers
I TokenAuthe 11/Jun/10, 09:01:12 Initialized authentication ldap interface, version
I TokenAuthe 11/Jun/10, 09:01:12 Initialization completed
I OnlineDir 11/Jun/10, 09:01:13 Setting exception handler for service OnlineDir
I OnlineDir 11/Jun/10, 09:01:13 Started, version
I STPresenceCompatibility 11/Jun/10, 09:01:16 ,started version
I Server 11/Jun/10, 09:01:17 Logged in to server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I STPresenceCompatibility 11/Jun/10, 09:01:19 logged in
I STPresence 11/Jun/10, 09:01:20 ,started version
I STPresence 11/Jun/10, 09:01:24 logged in
I STPresenceSubscriptions 11/Jun/10, 09:01:25 ,started version
I STPresenceSubscriptions 11/Jun/10, 09:01:28 logged in
I Chat 11/Jun/10, 09:01:31 Setting exception handler for service Chat
I Chat 11/Jun/10, 09:01:31 Started, version
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Setting exception handler for service Directory
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Started, version
W Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Browse DLL: Ldap Browse enabled
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 LDAP version of browse initialized debug for e:\Lotus\Domino\StBrowse
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Initialized StBrowseLdap ldap interface, version
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 LDAP version of groups initialized debug for e:\Lotus\Domino\StGroups
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Initialized StGroupsLdap ldap interface, version
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Initialization completed
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 1 Address book < name:"eu-imldap.europe.xxx" file: server: port: >
I Directory 11/Jun/10, 09:01:32 Browse service is enabled
I ChatLoggin 11/Jun/10, 09:01:33 Setting exception handler for service ChatLogging
I ChatLoggin 11/Jun/10, 09:01:33 Started, version
I UserInfo 11/Jun/10, 09:01:34 Logged In
I STLinks 11/Jun/10, 09:01:36 Started, Version 8.5 Mobile Fri Dec 19 00:00:01 EST 2008
I UserInfo 11/Jun/10, 09:01:36 Logged In
I Resolve 11/Jun/10, 09:01:38 Setting exception handler for service Resolve
I Resolve 11/Jun/10, 09:01:38 Started, version
I Resolve 11/Jun/10, 09:01:38 LDAP version of resolve initialized debug for e:\Lotus\Domino\StResolveDll
I Resolve 11/Jun/10, 09:01:38 Initialized resolve ldap interface, version
I Resolve 11/Jun/10, 09:01:38 Initialization completed
I UserStorag 11/Jun/10, 09:01:39 Setting exception handler for service UserStorage
I UserStorag 11/Jun/10, 09:01:39 Started, version
I UserStorag 11/Jun/10, 09:01:39 Initialized stuserstoragenotes notes interface, version
I UserStorag 11/Jun/10, 09:01:39 Initialization completed
I Privacy 11/Jun/10, 09:01:40 Setting exception handler for service Privacy
I Privacy 11/Jun/10, 09:01:40 Started, version
I Privacy 11/Jun/10, 09:01:40 Initialized Privacy notes interface, version
I Privacy 11/Jun/10, 09:01:40 Initialization complete
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Setting exception handler for service Mux
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Started, version
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to login to following servers: (
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to Http Server on ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.35, port=80
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to max of 200 favoured http connections
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to manage persistent channels to following services: 49 53 57
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 CBR initialization:
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 CBR entry: url=/meetingcbr, serverIp=xxx.xxx.xxx.35, port=8081
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 CBR entry: url=/broadcastcbr, serverIp=xxx.xxx.xxx.35, port=8083
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to thresholdInterval=10, thresholdMessageCounter=5000, thresholdCreateCounter=2000, thresholdSendCounter=2000
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to trust all client IP addresses
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Mux configured to Round Robin server designation.
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Logged in to server, loginId <17 095d0e223>
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Changing Http server IP on login: ip=
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received CONNECTIVITY update from configuration
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received port update: port=1533
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received Http port update: port=8082
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received Https port update: port=0
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received Http server hostname update: hostname=de-nim01.de.xxx, ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.35
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received Http server port update: port=80
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received meeting CBR port update: port=8081
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:41 Received broadcast CBR port update: port=554
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:42 Mux configured to listen on ports 1533 on all ips of the of machine, listenerType=VP
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:42 Mux configured to listen on ports 8082 on all ips of the of machine, listenerType=VP
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:42 CBR configuration update:
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:42 CBR entry: url=/meetingcbr, serverIp=xxx.xxx.xxx.35, port=8081
I Mux 11/Jun/10, 09:01:42 CBR entry: url=/broadcastcbr, serverIp=xxx.xxx.xxx.35, port=554
I AdminServi 11/Jun/10, 09:01:43 Setting exception handler for service AdminServices
I AdminServi 11/Jun/10, 09:01:43 Started, version
I Server 11/Jun/10, 09:01:xxx Logged in to server xxx.xxx.96.249
I Security 11/Jun/10, 09:01:xxx Setting exception handler for service Security
I Security 11/Jun/10, 09:01:xxx Started, version
I Security 11/Jun/10, 09:01:xxx Monitoring server
I Security 11/Jun/10, 09:01:xxx Security SA started: securityLevel=25, allow unsecure logins=FALSE, sendMessage=FALSE, pause_interval=1000
I Security 11/Jun/10, 09:01:49 Security loggedIn
I FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:01:54 Setting exception handler for service FileTransfer
I FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:01:54 Started, version
I Policy 11/Jun/10, 09:01:55 Started, Version
I Polling 11/Jun/10, 09:02:01 Setting exception handler for service Polling
I Polling 11/Jun/10, 09:02:01 Started, version
I STReflector 11/Jun/10, 09:02:03 Started, Version
I Policy 11/Jun/10, 09:02:05 LoggedIn
I FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:02:08 AllowFileTransfer property set: <1>
I FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:02:08 MaxFileSize property set: <1000KB>
E FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:02:08 Failed to load File Transfer BB or find one of its functions
E FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:02:08 Can not initialize virus scan BB due to an error in mapping the virus scan API methods
W FileTransf 11/Jun/10, 09:02:08 The mode is RELAX - no dll is loaded
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