Autor Thema: Domino.Doc archiving solutions  (Gelesen 1743 mal)

Offline Toma Bogdan

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Domino.Doc archiving solutions
« am: 03.06.02 - 10:10:46 »
I tried to know more about Domino.Doc archiving solutions for Windows platform and I found 3 options:

1. Lotus Records Manager for Domino.Doc
2. Tivoli Storage Manager which use the Domino.Doc Storage Manager
add-in task
3. IBM Content Manager for Notes

It seems that the option 1 it is very rudimentary and the complete solution is 2. But the price differece is so high ... And I found few materials about the option 3 ( it is a solution IBM Content Manager for Domino.Doc ?)
What are the requirements for each one ? I know something only for the option 2: a server and a client ! Should I have a client installed on each computer for archiving with Tivoli Storage Manager ?
So I need some suggestion about aprox. prices, requirements for each one ...
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