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Automatically update users' Location Document settings
By User, Dennis Fry
15 Oct 2001,
After you move a user from one server to another or if you change the users mail file name (after a user rename, or database corruption), the
user's personal address book never gets updated. Sometimes you forget to send a user a button, or call the user, to have their personal address
book updated.
Now you can update the user's personal address book information (Server, Mail File and Domain) automatically. Everytime a user opens a mail file, the script below
executes and will only update the users personal address book information if all of the following conditions are met (in order):
1. The opened database is located on a server (not local)
2. Notes.ini file variable "$UpdateLocationDocument" does not exist or equals a value other than 0.
3. 30 days or more has lapsed since the last successful location document change
4. The opened database file name "mailxxx.nsf" matches the Mail File specified in the current user's Person Document in the address book.
Since Notes Administrators switch to users ID files from time to time, you do want their own location document to be modifed. To avoid this from happening, add the
following line to your notes.ini file:
To force a user's location document to be updated next time they open their mail file, just delete both of these lines from the users notes.ini file:
Just Copy the script code below into each of the mail templates used in your system (like StdR46Mail
- mail46.ntf, etc) Database Script section, then wait for designer to run, or type "load design" at the servers console (not recommended to do this if people are accessing
their mail files).
Each time a user opens their mail file, the following will be performed:
1. The Script will exit if the database is opened locally (not on server)
2. The Script checks the variable setting "$UpdateLocationDocument" in the notes.ini file.
The script will exit if this setting is 0 ie. $UpdateLocationDocument=0
This is so you can manually bypass this script via the notes.ini file (eg. for Notes Administrators)
3. The Script gets the variable setting "$DateLocationModified" in the notes.ini file.
This variable is a Date-Time setting, and will determine when script will process the function to update the personal address book.
4. The script gets current location document in the personal address book.
5. The script gets the users person document from the public address book.
6. The script exists if the mail file name in the users person document is different to the current database that was opened (where this script was executed from). So, if
you have access to other mail files, the script will not update the location document with incorrect settings.
7. At this stage, the current user is the actual "owner" of the opened database, and the location document is then updated and saved. Information updated is MailFile,
MailServer and Domain. You can optionally check or set other settings, such as "Mail File Location" (On Server), Internet browser and Proxy settings. You could also
add a small script to ensure the "Calendar profile" document is always set to the correct user.
8. The notes.ini variable "$DateLocationModified" is then set to the current date time, so the script will not execute again until the number of days lapsed since the last
If you need any scripts to do the above, drop me a line.
Any queries, contact me: noteshelp@bigpond.com
Copy and paste the following code into the Database Script section of the mail templates:
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim dbCurrent As NotesDatabase
Dim sDateTime As String
'The script to update the location document will only run once every 30 days
Const LapsedDaysForLocationUpdate = 30
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidatabase)
Set session = New NotesSession
Set dbCurrent = session.CurrentDatabase
'Only execute if the database is located on the server (not a local database)
If Not dbCurrent.Server = "" Then
'Only update the users location document every 30 days
If UpdateLocationDocument() Then
'Update the users location document
Call UpdateUsersLocationDocument()
End If
End If
End Sub
Function UpdateLocationDocument() As Variant
'Last date the location document was modified
Dim DateLocationModified As NotesDateTime
'Current Date Time now
Dim DateTimeNow As NotesDateTime
UpdateLocationDocument = False
If (session.GetEnvironmentValue("UpdateLocationDocument",False)) = 0 Then Goto ExitUpdateLocationDoc
'Get the notes.ini file setting DateLocationModified
Set DateLocationModified = New NotesDateTime(session.GetEnvironmentString("DateLocationModified",False))
'Increase the number of days in the date with the minimum number of days we want to update the users location document
Call DateLocationModified.AdjustDay(LapsedDaysForLocationUpdate)
'get the current date time now
Set DateTimeNow = New NotesDateTime(Now)
'if the current date time has pasted the last time the location document was modified (plus 30 days) then
'set the return value to TRUE and store the current date time in a temporary variable (will be updated in the notes.ini later)
If DateTimeNow.LSLocalTime > DateLocationModified.LSLocalTime Then
UpdateLocationDocument = True
Set DateTimeNow = New NotesDateTime(Now)
sDateTime = DateTimeNow.LsLocalTime
End If
End Function
Function UpdateUsersLocationDocument()
Dim viewLocations As NotesView
Dim viewPeople As NotesView
Dim docLocation As NotesDocument
Dim docPerson As NotesDocument
Dim dbNAB As NotesDatabase
Dim dbPAB As NotesDatabase
Dim LocationDocument As String
Dim nnUserName As NotesName
Dim PersonalAddressBook As String
Dim MailFile As String
Dim MailFilePerson As String
'Get the personal address book from the notes.ini and remove any cascaded local address books
PersonalAddressBook = Trim(session.GetEnvironmentString("Names",True))
If Instr(PersonalAddressBook, ",") > 0 Then
PersonalAddressBook = Left$(PersonalAddressBook, Instr(PersonalAddressBook, ",") -1)
If Instr(PersonalAddressBook, ";") > 0 Then
PersonalAddressBook = Left$(PersonalAddressBook, Instr(PersonalAddressBook, ";") -1)
End If
End If
'Get the personal address book, exit if cannot be opened
Set dbPAB = session.GetDatabase("", PersonalAddressBook)
If dbPAB.IsOpen = False Then Goto FinishFunction
'Get the current location document in use, exit if any errors
Set viewLocations = dbPAB.GetView("Locations")
If viewLocations Is Nothing Then Goto FinishFunction
LocationDocument = Trim(session.GetEnvironmentString("Location",True))
If LocationDocument = "" Then Goto FinishFunction
LocationDocument = Left$(LocationDocument, Instr(LocationDocument, ",") -1)
If LocationDocument = "" Then Goto FinishFunction
Set docLocation = viewLocations.GetDocumentByKey(LocationDocument)
If docLocation Is Nothing Then Goto FinishFunction
'Get the Public Address Book from the current server
Set dbNAB = session.GetDatabase(dbCurrent.Server, "names.nsf")
If dbNAB.IsOpen = False Then Goto FinishFunction
'Get the current users person document. Exit if user not in address book
Set viewPeople = dbNAB.GetView("($VIMPeople)")
Set nnUserName = New NotesName(session.UserName)
Set docPerson = viewPeople.GetDocumentByKey(nnUserName.Abbreviated)
If docPerson Is Nothing Then Goto FinishFunction
'Get the name of the mail file from the person document and current database
MailFile = dbCurrent.FilePath
MailFilePerson = docPerson.MailFile(0)
If Lcase(Right$(MailFilePerson, 4)) <> ".nsf" Then
MailFilePerson = MailFilePerson & ".nsf"
End If
'Update the Location Document, if the mail file name in the address book matches the name of the current database
If Lcase(MailFile) <> Lcase(MailFilePerson) Then Goto FinishFunction
docLocation.MailFile = MailFile
docLocation.MailServer = docPerson.MailServer(0)
docLocation.Domain = docPerson.MailDomain(0)
Call docLocation.Save(True, False)
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar("DateLocationModified", sDateTime, False)
End Function