Autor Thema: gratis Java Bücher  (Gelesen 2112 mal)

Offline Axel_Janssen

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gratis Java Bücher
« am: 27.03.04 - 07:15:19 »

hier gibts was umsonst  ;D
(benötigt Registrierung. Ich glaub die ist ziemlich einfach).

unter books section.
Interessant für Anfänger dürfte das Buch Eclipse Live von Bill Dudney sein.
... design patterns are abstract designs that help identify the structure and elements involved in a specific design solution. From this, a concrete implementation can be produced.
Kyle Brown

Offline Axel_Janssen

  • Gold Platin u.s.w. member:)
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Re:gratis Java Bücher
« Antwort #1 am: 27.03.04 - 07:43:43 »
correction: Man erhält bei sourcebeat eine 3 monatige subcription für Eclipse Live.

Sourcebeat hat ein neues Konzept für Bücher:
Gutenberg: Ein Autor schreibt ein Buch, gibt es zum Lektor, ein Herausgeber druckt es und verteilt es an den Endhandel. Da kauft es der User.

Sourcebeat hat nun einige Schwächen bzgl. dieses Konzept entdeckt.
Was ist, wenn dem Autor nach dem Druck was neues einfällt?
Was ist, wenn sich das Thema des Buches ändert?

Deshalb bekommt man bei sourcebeat eine Live Subscription und kann für einen bestimmten Zeitraum neue updates runterladen. Natürlich alles als PDF.

Ähem. Die haben einen neuen Stammkunden gewonnen.  ;D

Gruß Axel
At SourceBeat, we believe the traditional publishing model does not work in rapidly changing environments such as open source software. Traditional books take too long to go from author to bookshelf, and many times the books are outdated soon after release. Until now. SourceBeat is the first publisher to create always updated open source technology books, written by expert authors such as James Goodwill, Rick Hightower, Bill Dudney, and many others. Utilizing our patent-pending "OpenBook™” process, you are always sure of getting the best information regarding the open source topic.

How it works differently than the traditional publishing model is that instead of buying one static book, users will subscribe to a particular book for 12 months. The expert authors provide updates each month on their respective topics, ensuring that you always have the latest and greatest information on your topic. No more buying multiple books on the same topic in order to cover all the areas you need. In addition, as a subscriber you can interact with the author through list servers and weblogs. This way you can let them know your thoughts on current items and also what you would like to see in future updates.
... design patterns are abstract designs that help identify the structure and elements involved in a specific design solution. From this, a concrete implementation can be produced.
Kyle Brown


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