Autor Thema: Ungelesenmarkierung bei Antworten oder Weiterleiten  (Gelesen 2405 mal)


  • Gast
Wenn man die Mail-Schablone, die mit 6.0.3 oder 6.5 ausgeliefert wird, verwendet, werden Mails, die man beantwortet oder weiterleitet, wieder als ungelesen angezeigt. Das finde ich extrem störend, aber es ist so von IBM gewollt.
Um das auszuschalten, muss man in den Datenbankeigenschaften im Designer-Tab die Option "Geänderte Dokumente nicht als ungelesen markieren" aktivieren.

Hier der entsprechende Hinweis aus der KBASE (#1153709)

      Notes 6.5.x Documents that Have Been Replied to or Forwarded Appear as Unread
Platform(s):   Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >  6.5.x
      Platform Independent
Document Number:   1153709   Date:   05.01.2004

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
SPR Number   SPR Status   SPR Fixed Release
MLAT5N8KCH   Not a Bug
Not a Bug
Duplicate Report   Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Lotus Notes 6.5
Not Applicable
In Notes 6.5.x, when you reply to or forward a message, the message becomes unread directly afterward, even though you have already read the document.

This issue was reported to Lotus software Quality Engineering; however, it was been found that Notes was functioning as designed.  To avoid the issue, enable the Database Property  "Do not mark modified documents as unread" found on the Designer tab.

The property is enabled by default in the mail templates that ship with Notes/Domino 6.0.3 and 6.5.

Supporting Information:
A document that is forwarded or replied to in Notes 6.5.x appends a $RespondedTo field to the document and assigns it a value so that the corresponding "Action performed" icon appears in the view.  With the addition of this field, the document has now been modified.  Without the "Do not mark modified documents as unread" option enabled, Notes marks the document as Unread because the document was modified.
« Letzte Änderung: 06.01.04 - 14:13:11 von Glombi »


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