Generell hat sich in R6 bei der Verwendung des Internet-Passwortes nichts geändet (soweit ich das bis jetzt überblicke). Es gibt nach wie vor das Feld "Internetkennwort" im Personendokument.
In R6 kann man jedoch mit Hilfe der Policies (Richtlinien) eine Aktualisierung des Internetkennwortes mit dem Kennwort der User-ID einrichten.
Dazu aus der R6 Admin-Hilfe:
Creating a security policy settings document:
Feld "Synchronize Internet password with Notes password" =
Choose one:
No (default)
Yes -- to allow users to use the same password to log in to both Notes and the Internet.
Allgemeines zu "Managing Internet passwords"
To manage the Internet passwords that you assign to users who have person documents in the Domino Directory, use a security settings policy document. You can manage Internet password quality and length, as well as allow users to change their Internet passwords using a Web browser, and control expiration period and change intervals.
You can force users to change their Internet password on the next login through a setting in the Person document.
Note In order to allow users to change their Internet passwords through a browser, you must have session authentication enabled for your server.
You can also synchronize a user Internet password stored in the Person record in the Domino Directory with the user's Notes password. This means that users can use the same password to log in to a Domino server through the Notes client and a Web browser. You can synchronize Notes and Internet passwords for individual users during user registration, or you can enable Notes-Internet password synchronization for multiple users on a server through the use of a security settings policy document.
When a user changes their Notes password, the Internet password is eventually changed, as well.
For more information on using a security settings policy document to manage Notes and Internet passwords, see the topic Creating security settings.
For more information on changing password settings in the Person document, see the topic Setting up password verification.