Autor Thema: Instant Messaging ErrorCode  (Gelesen 18414 mal)


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Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« am: 11.12.03 - 15:01:11 »

ich habe auf meiner Workstation auf den 6.5 Client upgedated.

R5 Deinstalliert - SametimeClient deinstalliert - R6.5 installiert.

Nun möchte ich mich beim Instant Messaging anmelden. Das Passwort ist richtig hinterlegt in der names.nsf des Servers.

Ich bekomme aber dennoch die Fehlermeldung "Ungültiges Passwort" und den ErrorCode 0x8000021F

Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen?


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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #1 am: 12.12.03 - 13:44:47 »
static int   MISSING_TOKEN           (0x80000506)
static int   ST_ABORT           Operation has been aborted (0x80000004).
static int   ST_ALREADY_INIT           Initialization has already taken place (0x80000013).
static int   ST_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED           Already subscribed to object(s) or event(s) (0x8000001B).
static int   ST_BL_ERROR           Reserved for buddy list (0x80010000).
static int   ST_CHANNEL_EXISTS           The requested channel already exists (0x8000000C).
static int   ST_CHANNEL_NONAVAIL           The requested channel is not supported (0x8000000B).
static int   ST_CHANNEL_REDIRECT           The channel has been redirected to another destination (0x00000023).
static int   ST_CHANNEL_REDIRECTION_RECOMMEND           The channel is destroyed after a recommendation is made to connect elsewhere (0x80000022).
static int   ST_CONNECT_ABORTED           An established connection was aborted by the software in the host machine (0x80000222).
static int   ST_CONNECT_ALREADY_SIGN_ON           The user is already signed on (0x80000218).
static int   ST_CONNECT_BAD_LOGIN           Incorrect login (0x80000211).
static int   ST_CONNECT_BROKEN           The connection has been broken (0x80000221).
static int   ST_CONNECT_CANNOT_CONNECT           Cannot connect (0x8000020D).
static int   ST_CONNECT_CANNOT_VERIFY           Verification service down (0x80000214).
static int   ST_CONNECT_CLOSED           The connection has been closed (0x80000226).
static int   ST_CONNECT_DNS_FATAL_ERROR           Fatal error in DNS (0x8000021F).
static int   ST_CONNECT_DNS_TRANSIENT_ERROR           Error in DNS (0x8000021E).
static int   ST_CONNECT_GUEST_NAME_FORBIDDEN           The name cannot be used (0x8000021A).
static int   ST_CONNECT_GUEST_NAME_OCCUPIED           The guest name is currently being used (0x80000217).
static int   ST_CONNECT_HARDWARE_ERROR           Hardware error occurred (0x80000204).
static int   ST_CONNECT_HOME_SERVER_TOO_OLD           Unable to log in to home Sametime server through the requested server, since your home server needs to be upgraded (0x8000022C).
static int   ST_CONNECT_HOST_DOWN           Host down (0x80000206).
static int   ST_CONNECT_HOST_UNREACHABLE           Host unreachable (0x80000207).
static int   ST_CONNECT_IDLE_TOOMUCH           User has been idle for too long (0x80000216).
static int   ST_CONNECT_IN_KICK_MODE           Cannot connect because user has been restricted (0x80000210).
static int   ST_CONNECT_JAVA_APPLET_STOPPED           The applet was logged out with this reason (0x8000022D).
static int   ST_CONNECT_MISMATCH_USER_NAME           Obsolete (0x80000215).
static int   ST_CONNECT_MSG_OVERFLOW           The message is too large (0x80000209).
static int   ST_CONNECT_MUST_USE_EMAIL           Email address must be used (0x8000021D).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NET_DOWN           Network down (0x80000205).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR           TCP/IP protocol error (0x80000208).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NO_FILES           Not enough resources for connection (socket id) (0x80000203).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NO_HOME_SERVER           Unable to log in because the server is either unreachable or not configured properly (0x8000022B).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NO_PERMISSION           There is no permission to connect (0x80000202).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NO_RESOURCES           There are no resources to connect (0x80000201).
static int   ST_CONNECT_NOT_PRIVILEGED           User does not have appropriate privilege level (0x8000021C).
static int   ST_CONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR           VP protocol error (0x8000020F).
static int   ST_CONNECT_PROXY_ERROR           Proxy error (0x8000020A).
static int   ST_CONNECT_REFUSED           The connection has been refused (0x80000223).
static int   ST_CONNECT_REG_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED           The registration mode is not supported (0x8000021B).
static int   ST_CONNECT_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION           Encryption mismatch (0x80000212).
static int   ST_CONNECT_RESET           The connection has been reset (0x80000224).
static int   ST_CONNECT_SERVER_IS_FULL           Server is full (0x8000020B).
static int   ST_CONNECT_SERVER_NAME_NOT_FOUND           Server name not found (0x80000220).
static int   ST_CONNECT_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING           Server is not responding (0x8000020C).
static int   ST_CONNECT_SIGNED_ON_AGAIN           The user has signed on again (0x80000219).
static int   ST_CONNECT_THROWN_OUT           The user has been removed from the server (0x8000020E).
static int   ST_CONNECT_TIMEDOUT           The connection has timed out (0x80000225).
static int   ST_CONNECT_UNREGISTERED           The user is unregistered (0x80000213).
static int   ST_CONNECT_VERSION_MISMATCH           Connection/disconnection errors (0x80000200).
static int   ST_DECLINE_FILE_TRANSFER           User declined a file transfer request.
static int   ST_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND           The element is non-existent (0x80000005).
static int   ST_ENCRYPTION_BAD_ARG           The encryption data passed are invalid or corrupted (0x80000020).
static int   ST_ENCRYPTION_FAILED           Encryption is not supported or failed unexpectedly (0x8000001D).
static int   ST_ENCRYPTION_NO_METHOD           There is no common encryption method (0x80000021).
static int   ST_ENCRYPTION_NOT_INITIALIZED           Encryption mechanism has not been initialized yet (0x8000001E).
static int   ST_ENCRYPTION_TOO_WEAK           The requested encryption level is unacceptably low (0x8000001F).
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_ALREADY_IN_CONFERENCE           (0x80070000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_CREATE_FAILED           Conference error (0x80010000).
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_CREATE_FAILED_ALREADY_EXIST           (0x800A0000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_ENCRYPTION_MISMATCH           (0x80050000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_IS_FULL           (0x80080000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_NOT_EXIST           (0x80030000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_PRIVACY_VIOLATION           (0x80040000)
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_REMOTE_SERVICE_DOWN           (0x80090000)


Kreßner Consulting                                                                                    
Werdauer Str. 1                                                                                          
01069 Dresden                    


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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #2 am: 12.12.03 - 13:45:31 »
static int   ST_ERROR_CONF_TYPE_MISMATCH           (0x80060000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND           (0x80030000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_NAB_NOT_AVAILABLE           (0x80020000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_NOTES_API_FAILED           (0x80010000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_NOTES_API_PARTIAL_RESPONSE           (0x00010000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_POSITION_OUTSIDE           (0x80040000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DIR_STR_NOT_FOUND           (0x00020000)
static int   ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_ALREADY_IN_DOC           You are already in the specified place (0x80020000).
static int   ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_CREATE_FAILED           Failed to enter the specified place (0x80010000).
static int   ST_ERROR_DOC_AWARENESS_IS_FULL           Un able to enter the specified place because it is full (0x80030000).
static int   ST_ERROR_GROUP_ALREADY_IN_LIST           (0x80000500)
static int   ST_ERROR_GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXISTS           (0x80000502)
static int   ST_ERROR_ILEGAL_FOR_SHORTCUT           (0x80000504)
static int   ST_ERROR_LIST_DOES_NOT_EXISTS           (0x80000503)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_ACTIVITY_ALREADY_EXIST           (0x81060000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_ACTIVITY_NOT_EXIST           (0x810D0000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_ALREADY_EXISTS           (0x81080000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_ATTR_NOT_EXIST           (0x81070000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_DELETED           (0x010A0000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_FULL           (0x81020000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_INVALID_PASSWORD           (0x81030000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_MEMBER_NOT_EXIST           (0x81050000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_NOT_AUTHORIZED           (0x81040000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_NOT_EXIST           (0x81090000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_SECTION_NOT_EXIST           (0x810A0000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_STAGE_NOT_EXIST           (0x810B0000)
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_TYPE_ERROR           (0x810C0000) An error with the publish mode.
static int   ST_ERROR_PLC_USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPATE           (0x81010000)
static int   ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_NOT_UNIQUE           The name was found but is not unique (request was for unique only) (0x80020000).
static int   ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_PARTIAL_RESPONSE           The resolve process was not completed, but a partial response is available (0x00010000).
static int   ST_ERROR_RESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE           The name is not resolvable due to its format, for example an Internet mail address (0x80030000).
static int   ST_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_IN_GROUP           (0x80000501)
static int   ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_NO_MATCHES           No match was found for the resolve request (1).
static int   ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_NOT_UNIQUE           There was more than one match for the resolve request (2).
static int   ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_OK           The resolve request succeeded (0).
static int   ST_ERROR_VPRESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE           The resolve request failed (3).
static int   ST_FAIL           Operation failed (0x80000000).
static int   ST_FILE_TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED           File transfer not allowed on a user's server.
static int   ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_MULTI_SERVERS           Disconnected due to login in 2 Sametime servers concurrently (0x80000227).
static int   ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_MULTI_SERVERS_OLD           Maps to 0x80000227; retained for compatibility with Sametime 1.0 (0x80000228).
static int   ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_NEWER_IP_WINNER           Disconnected due to login from another computer (0x80000229).
static int   ST_FORCE_LOGOUT_OLDER_IP_WINNER           Unable to log in because you are already logged on from another computer (0x8000022A).
static int   ST_IM_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED           (0x80002004)
static int   ST_IM_TYPE_NOT_REGISTERED           (0x80002005)
static int   ST_IM_TYPE_RESERVED           (0x80002003)
static int   ST_INTERNAL_ERROR           Unspecified internal error (0x80000009).
static int   ST_INVALID_DATA           The data are invalid or corrupted (0x80000007).
static int   ST_INVALID_REQUEST           Request is invalid due to invalid state or parameters (0x80000001).
static int   ST_INVALID_USER           The user is invalid or not trusted (0x80000011).
static int   ST_LOGGED_IN_DIFFERENT_USER           We can not login because we are already logged in with a different user name (Java only) (0x80002002).
static int   ST_NETWORK_ERROR           Low-level network error occured (0x80000019).
static int   ST_NO_MASTER_CHANNEL           No master channel exists (0x8000001A).
static int   ST_NO_RESOURCES           Not enough resources to perform the operation (0x8000000A).
static int   ST_NOT_CONNECTED           Not logged in to community (0x80000002).
static int   ST_NOT_IMPLEMENTED           The requested feature is not implemented (0x80000008).
static int   ST_NOT_OWNER           Not an owner of the requested resource (0x80000014).
static int   ST_NOT_SUBSCRIBED           Not subsrcribed to object(s) or event(s) (0x8000001C).
static int   ST_OK           Operation succeeded (0x00000000).
static int   ST_PARTY_LEFT           The remote or intermediate party left unexpectedly (0x80000012).
static int   ST_PENDING           Request accepted but will be served later (0x00000001).
static int   ST_POST_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED           (0x80003004)
static int   ST_POST_TYPE_NOT_REGISTERED           (0x80003005)
static int   ST_PROTOCOL_ERROR           The requested protocol is not supported (0x8000000F).
static int   ST_PROTOCOL_NONAVAIL           The requested protocol is not supported (0x8000000E).
static int   ST_SERVER_SHUT_DOWN           Server/Mux has been shut down.
static int   ST_SERVICE_NONAVAIL           The requested service is not supported (0x8000000D).
static int   ST_TOKEN_EXPIRED           Token has expired (0x80000016).
static int   ST_TOKEN_INVALID           Invalid token (0x80000015).
static int   ST_TOKEN_IP_MISMATCH           Token IP mismatch (0x80000017).
static int   ST_UNAUTHORIZED           Unauthorized to perform an action or access a resource (0x80000003).
static int   ST_USER_DO_NOT_DISTURB           The user is in do not disturb mode (0x80002001).
static int   ST_USER_NOT_FOUND           The user is non-existent (0x80000006).
static int   ST_USER_NOT_ONLINE           The user is not online (0x80002000).
static int   ST_VERSION_MISMATCH           The version is not supported (0x80000010).
static int   ST_WK_PORT_IN_USE           WK port is in use (0x80000018).
static int   STORAGE_ATTRIB_NOT_EXIST           A request to get some attributes failed because the attributes were never set before and therefore do not exist (0x00000011).

Kreßner Consulting                                                                                  
Werdauer Str. 1                                                                                        
01069 Dresden                  


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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #3 am: 12.12.03 - 16:34:33 »
Danke, jetzt weiß ich das ich einen "Fatal error in DNS" habe.
Aber weiter bin ich auch noch nicht. Ich kann mich trotz gültigem Kennwort immernoch nicht anmelden. Über den SametimeClient außerhalb von Notes geht es wunderbar.

Ich habe auch schon mich als Person gelöscht und wieder angelegt. Zeigt keine Wirkung.

Bitte um HILFE!!!

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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #4 am: 12.12.03 - 16:50:13 »
Also DNS ist Domain Name Service, sprich, wenn da die richtige Fehlermeldung kommt, liegt das nicht am Notes oder Sametime, sondern an der TCP/IP oder Netzkonfiguration (inkl. allfällige Netzinformationen innerhalb von Notes/Domino). Simpel gesagt, das Ding bekommt wahrscheinlich den Sametime-Servernamen nicht aufgelöst.
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6
IBM Certified Advanced System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6


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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #5 am: 12.12.03 - 17:10:00 »
Ich hab jetz mal die IP-Adresse des SametimeServers in der Arbeitsumgebung eingetragen. Und siehe da... Es funktioniert.

Aber warum kann LotusNotes den Notes-Namen des Servers nicht aufschlüsseln.
Die Hots des Rechners ist auch richtig gepflegt!

Das wenn ich jetzt noch wüsste, dann wäre ich glaub ich der glücklichste Mensch der Welt!

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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #6 am: 12.12.03 - 17:26:57 »
Das macht Notes nicht selber, das macht das Betriebssystem, bzw. dessen TCP/IP Stack. Gib mal in einer Kommandozeile folgendes ein:

nslookup SametimeServerName

natürlich mit Deinem Server-Namen

und Du wirst wahrscheinlich sehen, wo das Problem liegt. Notes macht auch nix anderes und bekommt offenbar einen Fehlercode zurück
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6
IBM Certified Advanced System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6


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Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #7 am: 12.12.03 - 17:40:42 »
Ich bekomme eine Fehlermeldung. Und zwar, dass der SametimeServer wurde von einem DNS-Server nicht gefunden (Non-Existent Domain) wird.

Dann liegt das wohl am DNS-Server.

Ich klär das mal mit userem Netzwerkadmin und geb euch dann am Montag bescheid, was sich raus gestellt hat.

Wünsch euch ein schönes Wochenende. Bis Montag...

Offline Semeaphoros

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    • LIGONET GmbH
Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #8 am: 12.12.03 - 18:43:29 »
Mehrere Möglichkeiten:

Nicht im DNS eingetragen
keine lokale Standard-Domäne definiert

sind die, die mir grad spontan einfallen würden. Letzeres würde bedeuten, dass man den Sametime "vollständig" angeben müsste: Sametime.LocalDomain.DE oder sowas. Aber das sollte der Netz-Admin aus dem Aermel schütteln können.
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6
IBM Certified Advanced System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6


  • Gast
Re:Instant Messaging ErrorCode
« Antwort #9 am: 15.12.03 - 14:22:35 »
Also für jeden dens noch interessiert:

Es lag an userem DNS-Server. Der konnte mit dem kompletten NotesNamen des Servers nichts anfagen.

Es funktioniert allein mit dem ersten Teil des Namens oder der IP-Adresse.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe....


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