Autor Thema: Fehler beim Annehmen von Einladung  (Gelesen 13038 mal)

Offline Gero

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Fehler beim Annehmen von Einladung
« am: 09.10.02 - 09:29:41 »
Hi, ich hätt da mal gern a Problem...
ein User versucht die Einladung zu einer Besprechung anzunehmen. Es erscheint die Fehlermeldung: NotesUIDocument.Save cancelled

Bei Anwort mit Kommentar geht es seltsammerweise...
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
AS400/Notes Server 6.51/Client 6.51

Offline eknori

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Re: Fehler beim Annehmen von Einladung
« Antwort #1 am: 09.10.02 - 09:56:21 »
Hab dir hier mal zusammengestellt, was die Knowledge Base zu diesem Thema sagt:  ;D

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled" When Accepting Meeting Invitation in Notes 5.x


You are using the Calendaring & Scheduling feature of Notes 5.x Client and Domino 5.x Server.  When you attempt to accept a meeting invitation, you see the following error message and the meeting is not accepted into your Calendar:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Canceled"


This error occurs when the chairperson creates a repeating meeting invitation with only one instance (for example, a meeting that repeats weekly for 1 week or repeats monthly for 1 month).  This has the effect of creating just one instance of the meeting, but still leaving it flagged as a repeating meeting.

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering, and was indirectly fixed in Notes 5.0.4 Client and Domino 5.0.4 Server.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.4 QMR fix list:

Calendaring & Scheduling - Time Zones
SPR# JFBM4GMJZD - Prevent "NotesUIDocument: Save cancelled" error when attempting to save a single instance repeating event. [5.0.4]

Supporting Information:

Another side effect of this issue when a resource reservation is involved is that a delivery thread hang can occur .  If enough of these messages are processed then the router will hang.  At this point the server is unresponsive to the 'Tell Router Quit' command.  You reboot the server and have to clear out everything out of the router before bringing the server back up. Refer to the following technote which represent this issue (spr #JFBM4GMKJN):

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled" Error When Accepting Meeting Invitation in R5


When an invitee attempts to respond to a meeting invitation, the following error message occurs:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled"


This issue can be very difficult to reproduce.  Here are two scenarios where it may occur:

Scenario #1:
Steps To Reproduce:
1.      The chairperson creates a meeting which repeats on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, for the next 12 months.
2.      The invitee receives the invite, opens it, selects the Respond action button and attempts to select any option from the drop-down menu (Accept, Decline, Delegate, etc.).  The "NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled" error message occurs.

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.

Scenario #2:
In this scenario, the meeting invitation varies from the norm in one way; instead of seeing the normal "Chair:" field on the Basics tab of the meeting invitation, the invitee sees both a "Chair:" field and a "Sent By:" field.  The fields contain the name of the same person (the Chairperson), but with slight variations.  For example, one entry will have the middle initial of the Chairperson, and the other one will not.

The problem can be caused by the 'Mail File Owner' field not matching the sender's/Chairperson's Common Name.  To resolve the problem modify the Mail File Owner field to match the Common Name.  To modify this field, the Chairperson needs to do the following:

1.      Open the Chairperson's mail file.
2.      Select Actions, Tools, Preferences.
3.      On the Basics tab, under User Configuration and change the name in the 'This Mail File Belongs To' field to match the Hierarchical Name in your (Chairperson's) user ID file.  To do this, click the drop-down next to the 'This Mail File Belongs To' field and select your name from the Names dialog box which pops up.  Do not type your name into the 'This Mail File Belongs To' field, but rather, select it from the Names dialog.

Error: "NotesUIDocument Save Cancelled" When Accepting Repeat Meeting After Meeting Is Deleted


You accept a repeating meeting invitation from a chairperson but then accidentally delete it, so you send an e-mail to the Chairperson asking him/her to re-invite you to the meeting.  You again receive the invitation from the chairperson but when you attempt to accept it, the following error message occurs:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled"


The error occurs because of the way repeat meetings are structured in Notes/Domino R5.   Every repeat meeting document contains an unique document ID (UNID).  When the repeat meeting is deleted, a deletion stub is kept in the mail file.  The deletion stub is essentially the same document as the repeating meeting (though it is not visible in the mail file), and it therefore contains the same UNID.  When the chairperson re-invites you to a meeting the router tries to deposit the repeat meeting document into the mail file but sees the same UNID as the deletion stub.  Since no two documents can have the same UNID, a new UNID is generated for the meeting and the error occurs.

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.

Supporting Information:

Steps To Reproduce Issue:

1.      A Chairperson sends out a repeat meeting to User A.
2.      User A accepts the invitation and deletes the invitation from his Inbox.
3.      Then User A accidentally deletes  all instances of the meeting from his Calendar view.
4.      User A notifies the chair of the deletion, so the chair opens the original meeting in their calendar by double-clicking it, switches to the 'Meeting Invitations and Reservations' tab, and adds the user to the meeting again.
5.      The chair then selects the 'Save and Send Invitations' action button and selects 'All Instances' when the 'Edit Repeating' dialog box displays.
6.      User A receives the resend of the repeat meeting, but receives a "NotesUIDocument..." error when trying to accept it.

Note:  The error also occurs if the Chairperson attempts to remove User A from the original meeting and then adds them back to the meeting.

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled" Error when Accepting Repeating Meeting in R5 Calendar


You are assigned to be able to read and create entries in another person's calendar.  This access is specified by that person on the Calendar Delegation tab of his/her Notes User Preferences, under the Author and Editor Access section (via "Anyone Can Create and Edit Entries in my Calendar" or "Allow Only the Following People To Create and Edit Entries in my Calendar"),

You open a repeating meeting invitation on behalf of the person whose calendar you are managing, and when you attempt to accept the meeting, you see the following error message:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled"


The problem will occur when the person whose calendar you are managing has been added an existing repeating meeting by the chairperson of that meeting.  

The problem does not occur if you have the ability to Read mail as well as Create and Edit calendar entries on behalf of the person whose calendar you are managing (the owner of the mail file).  In other words, the person whose calendar you are managing needs to:

1.      Open their mail file and select Actions, Tools, Preferences.
2.      Select the Delegation tab, then select the Calendar Delegation sub-tab.
3.      Under the Author and Editor access section, select either "Anyone Can Create and Edit Entries in My Calendar" or "Allow Only the Following People To Create and Edit Entries in my Calendar" and specify your name.
4.      Switch to the Mail Delegation sub-tab.
5.      In the "Read Mail, Calendar and To do Documents" box, add your name.  The owner of the mail file must add you to the Mail Delegation tab in order for you to be able to read their mail.
6.      Select OK.

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and was addressed in Notes/Domino 5.0.9a and Notes/Domino 5.0.10.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 5.0.9a MU fix list and 5.0.10 MR fix list (available at

Calendaring & Scheduling - Repeating Calendar Entries
SPR# BHAL4UURQE - Fixed a problem which prevented a person who was given Read/Write public documents access to your mail database from accepting an invitation on your behalf when the invitation came from a Chairperson who added you as invitee to an already existing repeating meeting.

Supporting Information:

Steps To Reproduce Problem:

1.      Set up 3 users: User A, User B, and User C.
2.      User C is delegate of User B; in other words, User B has given User C access to be able to create and edit entries in User B's calendar.
3.      User A adds User B to an existing meeting for a time that User B already has booked.
4.      User C manages User B's calendar.  User C accepts the invitation, and sees the error, "NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled".

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled" Accepting Invite, After Adding Chair to Personal Address Book


A user receives an e-mail from the chairperson of a meeting prior to that chairperson sending a meeting invitation to the user.  When receiving the e-mail the user chooses the option to 'Add Sender to Address Book' (by selecting Actions, Tools, Add Sender to Address Book).  Once the user receives the invitation and attempts to accept it, the following error message occurs:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled"

The meeting invitation is no longer in the user's Inbox or Calendar view, but it does appear in the Meetings view.

This problem can also occur if the user opens the Domino Directory, highlights the chairperson's name, and clicks the button 'Copy to Personal Address Book' before accepting an invitation from the chairperson.


This issue occurs if the 'Recipient Name Lookup' field on the Mail tab of the user's (invitee's) Location document contains the value, "Exhaustively Check All Address Books".  If the user changes the value to "Stop After First Match", the issue does not occur.

This issue has been addressed in Notes 5.0.11 Client and Domino 5.0.11 Server.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 5.0.11 MR fix list (available at

Calendaring & Scheduling
SPR# MJON56GQRD - Fixed a "NotesUIDocument" save cancel error when accepting a meeting invitation.

The user can accept the invitation by selecting the Respond with Comments action button, then selecting Accept (rather than using the Respond action button and selecting Accept).

Supporting Information:

Steps To Reproduce Issue:

1.      In User B's Location document, User B sets the 'Recipient Name Lookup' field on the Mail tab to the value, "Exhaustively Check All Address Books".

2.      Either of the following scenarios then occurs:

2a.      User A sends User B an e-mail.  User B opens the e-mail and selects the option to 'Add Sender to Address Book'.

- or -

2b.      User B opens the Domino Directory, selects User A's Person document in the People view, and selects the action button, 'Copy to Personal Address Book'.

3.      User A sends User B a meeting invitation.
4.      User B opens the meeting invitation and selects the Respond action button and selects Accept from the drop-down menu which appears.
5.      User B receives a "NotesUIDocment: Save Cancelled" error and the meeting does not appear in Calendar view.
6.      User B refreshes the Inbox and the meeting invitation is no longer in the Inbox; it is not in the All Documents v

Accepting Invitation from an iNotes Chairperson Results in "Save Cancelled" Error


A C&S Invitee opens a meeting invitation from a Chairperson who is using the iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook client.  When the Invitee accepts the meeting, the following error displays:

"NotesUIDocument: Save Cancelled"

The Invitee also has problems declining or performing some other actions on the meeting message.


This is a result of a separate issue where the last letter is dropped from the Chairperson's name when the invitation is created from the Outlook client.  The iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook client uses a Notes mailfile based on the MAIL50EX.NTF template.  When the invitation is created, both the Chair and Principal field get the last letter truncated from the canonical name.

A workaround is to correct the Chair and Principal field by running an agent on the document with the following formula:

FIELD Chair := From;
FIELD Principal := From; SELECT @All

These issues have been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and a fix is being researched.

Only 1st Instance of Repeat Mtg Added to Invitee's Calendar; "NotesUIDocument" Error May Also Occur


You are using the Calendaring & Scheduling feature of Notes 5.x Client and Domino 5.x Server.  When you attempt to accept a repeating meeting invitation, only the first repeat instance is added to your Calendar.   In 5.0.3, the following error message also occurs:  

"NotesUIDocument: Save cancelled"


This issue occurs when the 'Format Preference for Incoming Mail' field of the invitee's Person document in the Domino R5 Directory is set to 'Prefers MIME'.  As a workaround, change the 'Format Preference for Incoming Mail' field to 'No Preference' or 'Notes Rich Text'.

This issue has been reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering.  There are currently no plans to address this issue in Notes/Domino R5; however, a fix is being investigated for the next major Notes/Domino release.

Supporting Information:

Steps To Reproduce Problem:

1.       For the invitee, set the 'Format Preference for Incoming Mail' field in the invitee's Person document in the Domino R5 Directory to 'Prefers MIME'.
2.      In the chairperson's mail file, create a repeating meeting entry spanning five days and invite multiple participants.
3.      Set it to occur weekly for five weeks and send to the invitee.
4.      In the invitee's mail file, accept this meeting invitation.
5.       Check the invitee's Calendar, and note that only the first repeat instance is added to the Calendar.
6.      Check the Chairperson's Calendar, and note that is contains all instances.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline Gero

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Re: Fehler beim Annehmen von Einladung
« Antwort #2 am: 09.10.02 - 10:16:04 »
Viiiiiieeeeelen Dank für die schnelle Antwort, hatte auch in der knowledge Base gesucht, bin aber nicht fündig geworden...das mit dem suchen üben wir noch etwas ;D
gruss Gero
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
AS400/Notes Server 6.51/Client 6.51


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