Autor Thema: LIVE from Tokyo Launch (digital) event for Domino, Notes & Sametime v11 and Conn  (Gelesen 4373 mal)

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A reminder that our LIVE from Tokyo Launch (digital) event for Domino, Notes & Sametime v11 and Connections 6.5 is on 4 Dec at 9am US ET.
Here is the (LIVE from Tokyo teaser video) to get you warmed up … and the details below!

  • REGISTER: Here's where you register to watch
    Headline à Welcome to the World Premiere of Domino, Notes, and Sametime v11, and Connections v6.5. This will be a historic day, announcing the first major product releases for these iconic products under HCL Digital Solutions. Tune in live to hear the latest product features, hear from thought leaders, and find out how you can upgrade to the latest versions.
  • BLOG - Here's where you can signup to attend a BP or User Group Launch Viewing Party near you. Scroll down to see the list of parties by country and BP/UG:
  • STAGE - The Live from Tokyo digital ‘stage’ is here -   This is where the broadcasted keynote and on-demand product presentations/demos will be housed. When you register (above) you will receive the url for the broadcasted event and invitation to add to your calendar.
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