Aus der Designer Hilfe zur Methode "ReplaceItemValue" der Klasse "NotesDocument":
"Extended class" syntax
You can also change an item's value using the NotesDocument "extended class" syntax, which eliminates the need for ReplaceItemValue. For example, you have the following script:
Dim item As NotesItem
Set item = doc.ReplaceItemValue _
( "Subject", "Update on stock options" )
Call doc.Save( False, True )
You can achieve the same result by doing the following:
doc.Subject = "Update on stock options"
Call doc.Save( False, True )
This syntax lets you treat NotesDocument as an "extended class" by using an item name as if it were a property of NotesDocument. In the example above, "Subject" is used as if it is a property of the NotesDocument class. The result is the same as if you used ReplaceItemValue, except that ReplaceItemValue returns a NotesItem object representing the item you just created, and the IsSummary property defaults to True.
Das kann man sozusagen als Abkürzung verwenden. Diese Art ist aber nicht so performant wie ReplaceItemValue.