Falls Ihr mal einen Doclink an einen Outlook User senden wollt, dann probiert mal folgendes :
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim docID As String
Dim ReplicaID As String
Dim HintServer As String
Dim ViewID As String
Dim NoteID As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 'Set db to the current Notes database (open)
Set uidoc = ws.Currentdocument
Set doc = uidoc.document
If doc.IsNewNote Then
Msgbox "This document has not been saved." & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "Please save prior to mailing link!", 4112, "New Document"
Exit Sub
docID = doc.UniversalID
End If
If db.server = "" Then
Msgbox "You are not allowed to send a link of a local database", 4112, "Local Links Not Allowed"
Exit Sub
ReplicaID="<REPLICA " & Left$(db.ReplicaID, 8) & ":" & Right$(db.ReplicaID, 8) & ">"
End If
ViewID = ""
Forall x In db.Views
If x.IsDefaultView Then
ViewID = "<VIEW OF" & Left$(x.UniversalID, 8) &":"&Mid$(x.UniversalID, 9, 8)&"-"&"ON"&Mid$(x.UniversalID, 17, 8)&":"&Right$(x.UniversalID, 8)&">"
Exit Forall 'Once the default view is found, break out of the loop
End If
End Forall
If ViewID = "" Then
Msgbox "This database does not contain a default view." & Chr$(10) & Chr$(10) & "Please contact your database manager!", 4112, "Default View Not Found"
Exit Sub
End If
NoteID = "<NOTE OF" & Left$(docID, 8) &":"&Mid$(docID, 9, 8)&"-"&"ON"&Mid$(docID, 17, 8)&":"&Right$(docID, 8)&">"
HintServer = "<HINT>"& db.server &"</HINT>"
fileNum% = Freefile()
fileName$ = "c:\link.ndl"
Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum%
Write #fileNum%, "<NDL>"
Write #fileNum%, ReplicaID
Write #fileNum%, HintServer
Write #fileNum%, ViewID
Write #fileNum%, NoteID
Write #fileNum%, "</NDL>"
Close fileNum%
Meff :-)