was kann man denn als alterative verwenden.
ich möchte das Script im Backend laufen lassen und die Datei vorgeben.
strFileName = Chr(0)
'strFileName="f:\import\REPORT_Vorlage.xls" &|"|
strTitle$ = "Select Excel file to export to."
strFilter$ = "MS Excel Files|*.xls|All Files|*.*|" 'Use this format for ANY file type
If IsDefined ("WIN32") Then
If W32_NEMGetFile (1, strFileName, strFilter$, strTitle$) <> 0 Then
strFileName = strFileName & |"| 'We need to do this because the return is a NULL terminated string.
Bovie = strFileName & |"| 'We need to do this because the return is a NULL terminated string.
Else 'The user chose to Cancel the operation so exit the subroutine
Exit Sub
End If
Elseif IsDefined ("WIN16") Then
If W16_NEMGetFile (0, strFileName, strFilter$, strTitle$) <> 0 Then
strFileName = strFileName & |"|
Else 'The user chose to Cancel the operation so exit the subroutine
Exit Sub
End If
Msgbox "Cannot load file dialog window on this operating system." & Chr(13) & "Process Terminated",0+64,"Error"
Exit Sub
End If