Hallo Marcus,
lautet der Name der Mailinggruppe zufällig genauso wie der Nachname eines Deiner User? An der Stelle möchte ich auf folgenden SPR aus der KB verweisen:
When you address mail to a group (using a Group Internet address) through the Internet, whose group name is the same as a user's last name or first name, a delivery failure report will result, with the following message:
"Maximum forwarding loop count exceeded. Message probably in a forwarding loop. Examine Forwarding Address of intended
recipient in Address Book."
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a group name, for example, MIA, with the Internet address MIA@tower.sg.ibm.com.
2. Create a user with, for example, first name "Steve" and last name "MIA", with Internet address Smia@lotus.com.
3. Create any other user name to be the member of the MIA group.
4. Send an Internet mail to group MIA@tower.sg.ibm.com (use telnet if you like); you receive a Delivery Failure Report indicating "Maximum forwarding loop count exceeded. Message probably in a forwarding loop. Examine Forwarding Address of intended recipient in Address Book."
This issue has been reported to Lotus software Quality Engineering.