Hallo liebe Gemeinde,
eine Db R5 für R6 klar machen und doch immer wieder auf Hindernisse stoßen
Unter R5 = pdoc.lock = "1"
Unter R6 = pdoc = pdoc.lock ("1",True )
!! von wegen, eben nicht!!
Hier ein Auszug aus meinem Problem:
We have set up an example database with only one document. This document contains a field named “Lock”.
Then we create an action button in a view with the following code:
Dim Session As New NotesSession
Dim DB As NotesDatabase
Dim DocCol As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim Doc As NotesDocument
Dim MyValue As Variant
Set DB = Session.CurrentDatabase
Set DocCol = DB.AllDocuments
Set Doc = DocCol.GetFirstDocument
MyValue = Doc.Lock(0)
The correct value of the “MyValue” variable in the document is correctly returned to you when running the code in version 5.
In version 6.x this operation triggers the following error message:
Was mache ich denn hier falsch?