ganz einfach:
mache dir mal eine neue Schaltfläche / Typ Script
In die Declaration Section kommt folgendes
Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval lpOperation As String, Byval lpFile As String, Byval lpParameters As String, Byval lpDirectory As String, Byval nShowCmd As Long) As Long
der Click sieht so aus:
Sub Click(Source As Button)
'You can put this code in any action or hotspot
'Dim the control variables
Dim hwnd As Long 'the windows handle dont need to initalize
Dim lpOperation As String
Dim lpFile As String
Dim lpParameters As String
Dim lpDirectory As String
Dim nShowCmd As Long
Dim Hwin32 As Long 'the windows target handle dont need to initalize
'Initialize the vars
lpFile = "ImportBild.txt" 'Describe the file name
lpDirectory = "c:\Downloads" 'Describe file location
nShowCmd = 1 'Show the open file
lpOperation = "Open" 'if you want to print the file change to "Print"
'and finally execute the file
Hwin32 = ShellExecute(hwnd,lpOperation,lpFile,"",lpDirectory,nShowCmd)
End Sub
hier musst du jetzt lpFile und lpDirectory anpassen
das ist die einfachste Art; ohne viel SchnickSchnak und ohne ... ERRORHANDLING
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