@Thomas: Ganz Deiner Meinung!
Nur bei Agenten muss man vorsichtig sein, denn es gibt "Issues". Daher tendiere ich dazu für Agenten keinen Alias zu vergeben. Wie gesagt, in diesem Fall trenne ich Systemagenten immer vom Anwender ab.
Bspw. aus der KBASE (#181830):
Issues when Working with Hidden Notes Agents that Have an Alias
When an agent uses the LotusScript Run method or RunOnServer method (both of the NotesAgent class), the following error message can occur:
"Object variable not set"
Or when an agent uses the ToolsRunMacro @Command function, the following error message can occur:
"The specified agent does not exist"
Further research indicates that the issue occurs only with "hidden" agents (that is, agents which have been set with the trigger "Manually from Agent List"). It appears that if you create an alias for a hidden agent you will get unexpected results in the name (see example below):
1. Create an agent and give it a name as well as an alias. The alias is created by using a pipe between the agent name and alias name.
Agent Name: My Agent | AliasName
Note that in Notes/Domino Designer R5 you do not need to include parentheses when creating a hidden agent. Notes knows enough to make the agent hidden depending on what trigger is selected, and it adds the parentheses automatically when the agent is saved using the trigger, "Manually from Agent List".
2. Go back to the Agent view and notice that there is one open parenthesis in front of "My" and a closing parenthesis after "AliasName".
Example: (My Agent AliasName)
It should appear as : (My Agent) AliasName
There should not be a parenthesis around the Alias name; only around the agent name: (My Agent)
This is not just a display issue because in order to use the agent in a formula, you must enter the following for the agent name:
" (My Agent | AliasName)"
The formula will not recognize "(My Agent)" or AliasName as the agent name. You should be able to use the alias name in a formula.
This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.
When naming the agent, add a close parenthesis at the end of the agent name, and add an open parenthesis at the beginning of the Alias name. For example:
My Agent) | (AliasName
When you save the agent and go back to the Agent view, the agent will appears as follows:
(My Agent) (AliasName)
In order to use the agent's alias you will need to use it the same way you do the agent name, in parentheses: