Zurück zu den Shared Actions: Die habe ich in einem Anfall von Leichtsinn und Gott- äh Notes-Vertrauen benutzt und bin prompt auf die Schnauze gefallen. Seitdem hasse ich die (und die dämlichen verstandraubenden Hide-When-Formeln in Tabellen...).
Hier was nettes aus der KB:
Shared Action in Notes R5 Does not Show Expected Title or Run Expected Code
In Notes databases there can be issues with Shared Actions which are included in design elements inherited from a specific template rather than the template the database itself inherits from. This type of design inheritance can result in either of the following:
The Shared Action does not execute the expected code. The code executed is from an earlier design version of the action instead of the latest update.
The expected Shared Action does not display in the view; instead, a different Shared Action appears. When the action is triggered the code associated with this different action is executed.
For example:
A database inherits from Template A but has a view that it inherits from Template B. Both templates contain the same Shared Actions. A Shared Action contained within the view from Template B can show the issues described above.
Mehr muss dazu wohl nicht gesagt werden...
P.S. Dieses "there can be issues with Shared Actions " ist sehr niedlich ausgedrückt.