Das Problem des Supports wird sein, dass die Tools für die Volltextindizierung von einer externen Firma (Verity, Produkt KeyView) erstellt werden.
Zwischen Notes R5 und R6 gab es einen Wechsel:
Lotus Notes and Domino Release 5.x ship with Keyview version 6.5.5a.
Notes/Domino 6 currently ship with Keyview 7.0a plus three patches.
Welche Adobe PDF Version setzt Ihr ein?
In Notes/Domino 6.x, you can search on the following attachment types:
Word Processing Formats:
Adobe FrameMaker v7.0
Applix Words V4.2, 4-3, 4-4
ASCII Text 7 & 8 bit
Display Write 4 & 5 V4.0
DOS/Windows Executables
HTML, through v3.2
Lotus AMI Pro through v 3.1
Lotus Word Pro 96, 97 and R9
Microsoft Rich Text Format all versions
Microsoft Word through v6.0
Microsoft Word for Mac V4.x through 98
Microsoft Word for PC V2.0 to 5.5
Microsoft Word for Windows versions through 2002
Microsoft Works V3.0, 4.0
Microsoft Write
Unicode V2.0
WordPerfect for DOS/Windows V5.x, 6.x
WordPerfect for Mac V2.0,3.x
WordPerfect for Windows V7.0, 8.0
XyWrite for Windows V4.12
Ichtaro V5, V6. V7, V8, V9
Spreadsheet Formats:
Corel Quarto Pro for Windows V5.x, 6,x, 7.0, 8.0
Lotus 1-2-3 (DOS and Windows) version through 5
Lotus 1-2-3- 97, R9
Microsoft Excel V3 through 2002
Microsoft Works V3.0, 4.0
Excel MAC
Adobe PDF v1.1 - v1.4
AMI Draw Graphics (SDW)
CCITT T4/G3 One Dimensional
Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
Corel Draw (TIFF header) V4, 5,6
Encapsulated PostScript (TIFF header)
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF)
Mac PICT2 (raster content)
Microsoft Excel Charts
Microsoft Windows Animated Cursor
Microsoft Windows Bitmap (BMP)
Microsoft Windows Cursor/Icon Graphics
Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF)
PC PaintBrush (PCX)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Sun Raster
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Truevision Targa (TGA)
WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) V1.0, 2.0
Presentation Formats:
Corel Presentations V7.8
Lotus Freelance 2.X, V96, 97 and R9
Microsoft Powerpoint V 4, 95-97
Supporting Information:
The Domino server indexes most attached documents by using the licensed KeyView filter technology from Verity, Inc., to translate the attachments into a format that can be indexed.
The Domino 6.x server supports Adobe PDF 1.3, and Adobe PDF 1.4 with the Verity KeyView filter technology version 7.0a. The Domino R5 server supports Adobe PDF 1.3 with the Verity KeyView filter technology version 6.5.5a on Windows, AIX and Solaris. Refer to the Verity information on their website (
www.verity.com) for further details of the Adobe .PDF format support.