Autor Thema: periodischer Export in "structured text", wenn bestimmtes Flag gesetzt  (Gelesen 1674 mal)

Offline HeiCore

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Wie kann ich per Agenten periodisch Dokumente aus einer Ansicht mit einem bestimmten "Flag" in eine csv-Datei schreiben?

Danke schonmal. ???


Offline my head

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wie möchtest du die daten in die *.csv bringen über excel...

wenn ja, kann ich dir ein script posten...

Offline HeiCore

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Ja, zum Beispiel!

Offline my head

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hier ist export-script von mir:

Sub Initialize
   Dim firma As String
   Dim abt As String
   Dim countFIRMA As Integer
   Dim countAbt As Integer
   Dim nvStatus As Integer
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim j As Integer
   Dim xlFilename As String      
   xlFilename = "C:\test1.xls"                              
   Dim Excel As Variant
   Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
   Dim xlSheet As Variant
   Dim row As Integer
   Dim column As Integer
   Print "Verbindung zu Excel wird aufgebaut..."
   Set Excel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.9" )   
   Excel.Visible = False '// -> Excel nicht sichtbar
   Excel.Workbooks.Open xlFilename 'Excel-Datei öffnen
   Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
   Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet
   column = 1
   row = 1
   Dim session As New NotesSession
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Dim view As NotesView
   Dim doc As NotesDocument
   Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
   Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
   Set view = db.GetView("uebersicht")
   Set collection = view.AllEntries
   Set entry = collection.GetFirstEntry   
   Set doc = entry.Document
   Call designdelete(excel,xlsheet)
   Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row,column,69,0)
   Print "Daten werden eingelesen..."   
   While Not (entry Is Nothing)
      countFIRMA = 0
      firma = doc.txtFirma(0)
      With xlSheet
         Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = True   
         Excel.Selection.Font.Size = 10
         .Cells(row,column).Value = doc.txtFIRMA(0)   
         row = row +1         
         If doc.txtFirma(0) <> "FIRMA Hauptsitz" Then
            Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = True   
            Excel.Selection.Font.Size = 10
            .Cells(row,column).Value = "Vollwahl: "&doc.txtvollwahl(0)
            row = row +1
            Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = True   
            Excel.Selection.Font.Size = 10
            .Cells(row,column).Value = doc.txtkurzwahl(0)   
            row = row +1
            Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row-3,column,row-1,"bgcolor")
            Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row-1,column,row-1,"bgcolor")
         End If
         While (firma = doc.txtfirma(0))
            countAbt = 0
            nvStatus = 0
            abt = doc.txtAbt(0)   
            If (doc.txtAbt(0) <> "allgemein") Then
               If(row > 68) Then                     
                  column = column + 2
                  row = 1
                  Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row,column,69,0)
               End If
               Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = True
               .Cells(row,column).Value = doc.txtAbt(0)
               row = row + 1
               Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row-1,column,row-1,0)
            End If
            While (abt = doc.txtAbt(0))                           
               If (doc.nmbTel(0) <> "") And (doc.nmbTel(0) <> "0") And (doc.nmbTel(0) <> "n.v.") Then
                  countFIRMA = countFIRMA + 1
                  countAbt = countAbt + 1
                  If doc.txtArbeit(0) <> "" Then
                     .Cells(row,column).Value = "("&doc.txtArbeit(0)&") "&doc.txtNachname(0)&" "&doc.txtVorname(0)
                     .Cells(row,column).Value = doc.txtNachname(0)&" "&doc.txtVorname(0)
                  End If
                  .Cells(row,column+1).Value = doc.nmbTel(0)
                  row = row +1   
                  If row > 69 Then                        
                     row = 1
                     column = column + 2
                     Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row,column,69,0)
                  End If
                  If countAbt = 0 And doc.txtAbt(0) <> "allgemein" Then
                     row = row - 1
                     .Cells(row,column).Value = ""
                     Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = False      
                     Excel.Selection.Font.Size = 8
                     nvStatus = 1
                  End If
                  If countFIRMA = 0 Then
                     If doc.txtFirma(0) <> "FIRMA Hauptsitz" Then
                        i = 3
                        i = 1
                     End If
                     For j = 1 To i
                        row = row - 1
                        .Cells(row,column).Value = ""
                        Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = False      
                        Excel.Selection.Font.Size = 8
                        With Excel.Selection.Interior
                           .ColorIndex = 0
                        End With   
                        Const xlEdgeBottom = 9
                        Excel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
                        With Excel.Selection.Interior
                           .ColorIndex = 0
                        End With
                        Excel.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
                     nvStatus = 2
                  End If
               End If   
               Set entry = collection.GetNextEntry(entry)   
               If (entry Is Nothing) Then
                  abt = ""
                  firma = ""
                  Set doc = entry.Document
                  If nvStatus = 1 Then
                     abt = ""
                  End If
                  If nvStatus = 2 Then
                     abt = ""
                     firma = ""
                  End If
               End If   
               If (doc.txtFirma(0) <> firma) Then
                  If (row > 66) And Not (entry Is Nothing) Then                                             
                     column = column + 2
                     row = 1
                     Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,1,column,69,0)
                  End If               
                  abt = ""
               End If      
      End With   
   Call designbuild(excel,xlsheet,row,column,69,"abschluss")      
'Excel-Verbindung trennen
   Print "Verbindung zu Excel wird getrennt..."
   xlWorkbook.Close True
   Excel.Quit '// Close Excel
   Set Excel = Nothing 'den Speicher leeren
   Print " " 'Statuszeile löschen   
End Sub

schau es einfach mal durch, falls du noch fragen hast gerne...
funktioniert auf jeden fall zu 100%!

Offline HeiCore

  • Frischling
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Fehlt da noch eine ScriptLibrary?

Offline koehlerbv

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Bedeutend einfacher wäre es aber, wenn man das CSV-File direkt aus Notes heraus erzeugt.
Folgender Beispielcode aus der Designerhelp beschreibt das ganze simple Verfahren - lediglich ums ErrorHandling muß man sich noch etwas mehr kümmern.
Example: Write # statement  

Dim fileNum As Integer, empNumber As Integer, I As Integer
Dim fileName As String, empName As String
Dim empLocation As Variant
Dim empSalary As Currency

fileNum% = FreeFile()
fileName$ = "data.txt"

' Write out some employee data.

Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum%
Write #fileNum%, "Joe Smith", 123, "1 Rogers Street", _
Write #fileNum%, "Jane Doe", 456, "Two Cambridge Center", _
Write #fileNum%, "Jack Jones", 789, "Fourth Floor", 0
Close fileNum%

' Read it all back and print it.
Open fileName$ For Input As fileNum%

For I% = 1 To 3
   Input #fileNum%, empName$, empNumber%, empLocation, _
   Print empName$, empNumber%, empLocation, empSalary@
Next I%

Close fileNum%
' Output:
' LotusScript prints out the contents of the file 
' C:\data.txt in groups of four values each. Each group
' consists of a String, an Integer, a Variant, and
' a Currency value, in that order.


Offline my head

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fehlen nur zwei funktionen "designbuild" und "designdelete"...

ist aber ja nicht so wichtig... wichtig ist, wie du excel öffnen und schließen kannst und wie du werte in die zellen bekommst...

Offline my head

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für deinen zweck ist das script von bernhard, wahrscheinl. bedeutend einfacher...

Offline koehlerbv

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Das Script ist nicht von mir, sondern kullert für alle lesbar in der DesignerHelp 'rum ;-)
Und es ist definitiv einfacher, da es sofort ein CSV-File erzeugt ;-)



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