nun ja,
bei mir geht es, nachdem ich folgendes zuerst bei fogender Konfig hatte:
SMTP bei GMX mit SMTP after Login und IP CHeck voreingestellt.
In den Arbeitseinstellungen bei Notes das folgende SMTP Doc eingestellt:
Passwort = eingetragen (aber letzlich egal)
Protokoll: SMTP
SSL: deaktiviert
Port: 25
Fehlermeldung nach Login zuerst über POP3, dann SMTP mit einer Testmail:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 SMTPClient: Preparing to submit message
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: Attempting to SubmitMessage:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: Pipelined commands:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: MAIL FROM:<>
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: RCPT TO:<>21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: DATA
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: End of pipelined commands
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient:
ReceiveResponse: 553 {mp003-rz3} Only registrated user are allowed to use this system - Dieser Dienst ist eingetragenen Mitgliedern vorbehalten21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: CommandRSET:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
21.02.2003 15:53:01 [FFE83895:0002-FFE771D1] SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2598
Ging also zunächst nicht. Dann habe ich in der Arbeitsumgebung meine Internet Absenderadresse (NICHT BENUTZERACCOUNT !!!!) auf geändert. Wieder Testmail und siehe da, Erfolg :
21.02.2003 15:55:25 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] POP3Client: CommandAPOP: xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
21.02.2003 15:55:26 SMTPClient: Starting to transfer 1 messages to for user CN=Robert Basic/O=Zentrale
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host, Port 25, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain MARION
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Connection successful
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 {mp020-rz3} GMX Mailservices ESMTP
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: CommandEHLO: EHLO MARION
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-{mp020-rz3} GMX Mailservices
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-AUTH=LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-PIPELINING
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 8BITMIME
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: CommandAUTH: AUTH LOGIN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 235 {mp020-rz3} go ahead
21.02.2003 15:55:26 SMTPClient: Checking mail, message is from CN=Robert Basic/O=Zentrale
21.02.2003 15:55:26 SMTPClient: Preparing to submit message
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Attempting to SubmitMessage:
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Pipelined commands:
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: MAIL FROM:<>21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: RCPT TO:<>
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: DATA
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: End of pipelined commands
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 {mp020-rz3} ok
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 {mp020-rz3} ok
21.02.2003 15:55:26 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 354 go ahead
21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Data Send Succeeded 1146 bytes21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 {mp020-rz3} ok 1045839310 qp 18970
21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:
21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 221 {mp020-rz3} GMX Mailservices
21.02.2003 15:55:27 [FFE52355:0002-FFE93945] SMTPClient: Connection terminated successfully
Stelle ich wieder meine Internet Absender Adresse auf um, klappt es wieder net:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 SMTPClient: Preparing to submit message
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Attempting to SubmitMessage:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Pipelined commands:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: MAIL FROM:<>21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: RCPT TO:<>
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: DATA
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: End of pipelined commands
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 553 {mp006-rz3} Only registrated user are allowed to use this system - Dieser Dienst ist eingetragenen Mitgliedern vorbehalten21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: CommandRSET:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Attempting to Disconnect:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
21.02.2003 16:02:24 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Connection terminated with status: 2598
21.02.2003 16:02:54 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] POP3Client: CommandAPOP: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
21.02.2003 16:02:54 SMTPClient: Starting to transfer 1 messages to for user CN=Robert Basic/O=Zentrale
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Attempting to Connect: Host, Port 25, SSL Port 0, Connecting Domain MARION
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: Connection successful
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 {mp010-rz3} GMX Mailservices ESMTP
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: CommandEHLO: EHLO MARION
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-{mp010-rz3} GMX Mailservices
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-AUTH=LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250-PIPELINING
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 8BITMIME
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: CommandAUTH: AUTH LOGIN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
21.02.2003 16:02:55 [FFE9BBC9:0002-FFE902BD] SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 235 {mp010-rz3} go ahead
21.02.2003 16:02:55 SMTPClient: Checking mail, message is from CN=Robert Basic/O=Zentrale
(woher habe ich diese Log Daten? Aus der Log.nsf am lokalen Client über eine Voreinstellung in der Notes.ini..
dann Lotus Notes Client restarten....
alle SMTP Aktionen werden in der Log.nsf in der View "verschiedene Ereignisse" protokolliert)