Autor Thema: DB consistency check  (Gelesen 1568 mal)

Offline kloeti

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DB consistency check
« am: 15.07.02 - 10:25:17 »
Moin moin ...

Weiss einer von Euch grad den Consolen Befehl für einen 'consistency check' einer DB auf einem engl. Server  ???

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: DB consistency check
« Antwort #1 am: 15.07.02 - 10:32:28 »
load fixup
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »


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Re: DB consistency check
« Antwort #2 am: 15.07.02 - 10:44:59 »
Hi kloeti,

The following error:

"Cannot open database, Performing Consistency Check on Database XXX.NSF"

Perform the following steps to solve this issue:

1. Take down the Domino server.

2. Run NFIXUP from the command prompt on the affected database:

nfixup xxxx.nsf

3. After a few minutes, NFIXUP should be completed.

4. Run NUPDALL in the affected database from the command prompt:

nupdall xxx.nsf -r

5. After NUPDALL completes, restart Domino. Note that depending on the database size, NUPDALL may take some time.

In this case, the server came up, and the customer was able to access the shared mail file. The database was repaired.


« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

Offline kloeti

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Re: DB consistency check
« Antwort #3 am: 15.07.02 - 10:55:23 »
Merci  ;D

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »


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