Hier habe ich ein Script, das einen Export aus unserem Organisationsverzeichnis macht.
Ich denke, das kannst du auf deine Bedürfnisse anpassen
Option Public
Option Declare
' C L A S S "FileGuard"
'The specific example is a "FileGuard" class that guarantees that a file you open gets closed, no matter what else happens.
' How it works: whenever you declare a class in LotusScript, you can define a Delete method that executes
' when an object of that class is deallocated. This happens whenever the memory is freed, whether it's
' because the object has gone out of scope from the function it was declared in, or because the script aborted
' with an error, or by Ctrl+Break.
' The simple class below is useful when doing file I/O to make sure that you don't leave a file open if the user aborts.
' Note: you must open a file using the returned file handle from the Handle method, before you allocate
' another instance of FileGuard, or else they will get the same file number. Since Freefile returns the number
' of the first file handle that's not yet in use, calling it twice without using the result of the first call to open a
' file, returns the same value again.
Class FileGuard
filenumber As Integer
isopen As Integer
Public Property Get Handle
Handle = filenumber
End Property
Sub New()
filenumber = Freefile( )
isopen = True
End Sub
Sub Close
If isopen Then
On Error Resume Next
Close filenumber
isopen = False
End If
End Sub
Sub Delete
End Sub
End Class
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim View As NotesView
Dim Item As NotesItem
Dim outString As String
Dim i As Integer
' Keep the next three statements together
Dim FG1 As New FileGuard
outfile% = FG1.Handle
Open "D:\TEMP\STRATTEC.TXT" For Output As outfile%
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView ("(PicklistPersons)")
Set doc = View.GetFirstDocument
i = 1
outstring = Chr$(34) + "ID" +Chr$(34) + "," + Chr$(34) + "Name" +Chr$(34) + "," + Chr$(34) + "E-Mail Address" +Chr$(34) + "," + Chr$(34) + "First Name" +Chr$(34) + "," + Chr$(34) + "Last Name"
Print #outfile%, outString
While Not ( doc Is Nothing )
'// Read field values from document
Set Item = doc.GetFirstItem ("FirstNameOS")
FirstName$ = Item.Text
Set Item = doc.GetFirstItem ("LastNameOS")
LastName$ = Item.Text
If doc.hasItem ("InternetAddress") Then
Set Item = doc.GetFirstItem ("InternetAddress")
MailAddress$ = Item.Text
MailAddress$ = ""
End If
Set Item = doc.GetFirstItem ("OfficePhoneNumber")
OfficePhoneNumber$ = Item.Text
Set Item = doc.GetFirstItem ("Department")
Department$ = Item.Text
'// Build outString
'// "ID","Name","E-Mail Address","First Name","Last Name"
outstring = Cstr(i) + ", " + Chr$(34) + LastName$ + ", " + FirstName$ + Chr$(34) + ", " +_
Chr$(34 ) + MailAddress$ + Chr$(34) + ", " +_
Chr$(34 ) + FirstName$ + Chr$(34) + ", " +_
Chr$(34 ) + LastName$ + Chr$(34)
' + ", " +_
'Chr$(34 ) + OfficePhoneNumber$ + Chr$(34) + ", " +_
'Chr$(34 ) + Department$ + Chr$(34)
Print #outfile%, outString
Print outstring
i = i +1
outString = ""
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
End Sub