Autor Thema: Probleme mit ST Proxy 9.0 APNS Apple Push  (Gelesen 2810 mal)

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Probleme mit ST Proxy 9.0 APNS Apple Push
« am: 26.01.15 - 15:17:49 »
ich habe meinen Sametime Proxy 9 (Linux 64bit, WAS auf die letzte Versionvom 1.12. upgedated. Nun kann der Server keine SSL Verbindung zum Apple Push Dienst aufnehmen. Kennt jemand as Problem:


[1/26/15 14:49:51:398 CET] 00000060 CustomerAPNSS W monitorFeedbackService CLFRX0081W: Unable to establish an SSL connection to the APNS feedback service Array index out of range: -1
[1/26/15 14:49:51:399 CET] 00000060 CustomerAPNSS W startAPNS CLFRX0079W: Unable to establish an SSL connection to the APNS service Array index out of range: -1
[1/26/15 14:49:51:403 CET] 000000a5 CustomerAPNSS W monitorFeedbackService CLFRX0081W: Unable to establish an SSL connection to the APNS feedback service Array index out of range: -1
[1/26/15 14:49:51:404 CET] 000000a3 SimpleHttpCon W org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionManager getConnectionWithTimeout SimpleHttpConnectionManager being used incorrectly.  Be sure that HttpMethod.releaseConnection() is always called and that only one thread and/or method is using this connection manager at a time.
[1/26/15 14:49:51:412 CET] 000000a7 CustomerAPNSS W - Connection to APNS Failed. Returning false. Exception thrown, Array index out of range: -1

Habt Ihr eine Idee, woran das liegen kann.


Sven Klier
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