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Replikatorseite erweitern
« am: 20.08.13 - 15:03:42 »
Sehr laessig:

When you have longer running tasks that only make sense when new data might have arrived, a scheduled agent doesn't make much sense.
Triggering a process "On Replication" is much preferable. Classic Notes agents don't have this ability, but the Notes full client can do that. Already today the replicator hosts not only classic Notes NSF replication, but also address sync and Activities sync. This type of extensions can easily be created using an Eclipse extension point
m³ aka. Martin -- leyrers online pamphlet | LEYON - All things Lotus (IBM Collaborations Solutions)

All programs evolve until they can send email.
Except Microsoft Exchange.
    - Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery

"Lotus Notes ist wie ein Badezimmer, geht ohne Kacheln, aber nicht so gut." -- Peter Klett

"If there isn't at least a handful of solutions for any given problem, it isn't IBM"™ - @notessensai


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