Autor Thema: Global variables on web  (Gelesen 932 mal)

Offline Mircea Serban

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Global variables on web
« am: 29.10.02 - 10:36:32 »

I have a web app where users authenticate with username and password keept in a database.(they don't have an ID)
After user login how can I store the username wich was used and use it in multiple design elements (forms,agents, pages)
I don't want transmit it by URL or use cookies, so I need a secure way to achieve that.

Please help

Mircea Serban

Offline Rob Green

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Re:Global variables on web
« Antwort #1 am: 29.10.02 - 11:09:03 »
this article could interest you, since you are saying njet to cookies and urls regarding the security aspect. Why? Work with a session ID or a given cookie containing the user/pw in an encrypted form.

I wonder what other solutions you may think of....Http is a connectionless protocol, so using this protocol you dont have much  alternatives to reidentify users.
« Letzte Änderung: 29.10.02 - 11:09:44 von Rob Green »
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