Hier noch was aus der KBASE - das scheint genau Dein Fall zu sein:
Connection Document Uses Incorrect Router Settings
Lotus Domino > Lotus Domino Server > Versions 6.0, 6.5
AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
Doc Number:
Published 13.09.2004
Mail is only routing if five mails are pending although the mail threshold is set to 1 in the Connection Document.
In one particular case, there was another Connection Document with the mail threshold set to five. This Connection Document also used a wildcard (*), with the routing task and schedule both disabled.
This issue was reported to Lotus software Quality Engineering and is currently under investigation. You can work around this issue by adjusting the mail threshold in all Connection documents, even those that are not defined for mail routing.
1. Set up three servers (A, B, C) in one Notes domain and register some users on all servers.
2. Add Servers B and C to a cluster.
3. Create a LAN Connection Document from Server A to the cluster and set the mail threshold to 1.
4. Have a user on Server A send e-mails to users on Server A and Server B. Check to make sure all is working.
5. Create an additional LAN Connection Document with the source server as a wildcard ("*", without quotes) and the destination server as the cluster. Disable mail routing and schedule.
6. Restart Server A. Have a user on Server A send mail to users on Server A and Server B. Note that mail only routes if five mails are pending.
7. Edit the wildcard Connection Document and enable mail routing. Set the mail threshold to seven, save and close the document. Open it again, disable mail routing and save the document.
8. Repeat Step 6. Notes that the mail is now only routing if seven mails are pending.