Title: "Error Compacting <db>: The Object Store..." After Upgrading to Domino 6.xProduct: Lotus Domino > Lotus Domino Server > 6.xPlatform(s): Platform IndependentDocument Number: 1108173 Date: 13.09.2004AbstractWhen running compact on specific mailfiles after upgrading a Domino server to 6.x, you see the following error: "Error compacting <db>: The object store that is used by this note was not found or is not a Notes database". Shared mail is not used.ContentIn this case, the error was due to note-level corruption of specific documents. Although the source of the corruption was not determined, the workaround was to use the console command:load object collect -force <databasename>to clear the $ObjectStoreLink field and delete the damaged documents. Compact then ran normally.Supporting Info:OBJECT COLLECT -FORCE will purge any message with no valid links.