ist ein Feature ( irgend ein schlauer Kopf hat sich gedacht, daß Reservierungen nur vom Admin zu löschen sein sollen; warum auch immer) Du kannst die Hide/when Formel getrost ändern. Hat mir der Support auch so gesagt ;funzt ohne Nebenwirkungen.
hier nochmal der genaue Wortlaut ,it Begründung
The default access in the Access Control List (ACL) of the Resource Reservations database is Author with 'Delete Documents' rights. Users with these rights do not see the Delete Reservation button in the Reservations database views, and therefore, cannot delete their reservations.
The users can see the Delete Reservation button and delete reservations they have created (and nobody else's) if their access is changed to Editor with 'Delete Documents' rights.
Please be aware that this workaround will give the users enough access to delete Room and Resource documents as well as their own reservations.
This functionality has changed from Domino 5.x, where users with only "Author" access and "Delete Documents" privileges are able to delete their own reservations in the Resource Reservations database.
This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering.