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ich vermute es liegt an einem fehlenden / falschen Export- Filter in den Notes.inis der betreffenden User: (KB 1092797):
Vergleich doch mal die Versionen und die Einträge in den EDITEXP= Zeilen der Notes.ini von einem funktionierenden und einem nicht funktionierenden Client...
Using Notes 5.0.2 through 5.0.4, you attempt to import a Microsoft Word 97 or RTF file through the @Command([FileImport]) formula with parameters:
@Command([FileImport]; "MicrosoftWord RTF"; "filename")
However, the import fails and the following error displays:
"Import/Export not configured."
If you search the NOTES.INI file for the following line:
"EDITIMP2=MicrosoftWord RTF,0,_IRTF,,.DOC,.RTF,,2,"
you find only the following line in 5.0.2 through 5.0.4:
"EDITIMP2=Microsoft RTF,0,_IW4W,_IRTF,.DOC,.RTF,,2,"
If you remove the word "Word" from the @Command formula, the import continues to fail and returns the following two errors:
"No version # in NOTES.INI, using default."
"File not found."
This issue was reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering and addressed in Notes 5.0.5 and Notes 6.0. The following two workarounds are available:
1. Add a copy of the version to the NOTES.INI as follows:
Keep the line:
EDITIMP2=Microsoft RTF,0,_IW4W,_IRTF,.DOC,.RTF,,2,
And add the following line:
EDITIMPxx=MicrosoftWORD RTF,0,_IRTF,,.DOC,.RTF,,2, (where xx is any number not yet used)
Use MicrosoftWord RTF instead of Microsoft RTF:
@Command([FileImport];"MicrosoftWord RTF";"C:\\temp\\import.rtf")
2. Add a version control into the Script and @Functions procedure so that these continue to work despite which Notes Client is installed.
Add the following to the Database Script Postopen or to Form Postopen:
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidatabase)
Dim session As NotesSession
Set session = New NotesSession
Dim sVersion As String
Dim iBVersion As Integer
sVersion = Trim(session.NotesVersion)
' NotesBuildVersion is a R5 command but ignored by 4.x
iBVersion = session.NotesBuildVersion
'if 4.x then use _IRTF else if 5.0.1 use _IRTF else _IW4W (5.0.2 and above)
If Instr(sVersion, "5.") >= 1 Then
If Instr(sVersion, "5.0.1") >= 1 Then
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar ("$RTFFilterVersion", "_IRTF")
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar ("$RTFFilterVersion", "_IW4W")
End If
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar ("$RTFFilterVersion", "_IRTF")
End If
End Sub
Formula routine for Importing Footer and Header RTF files:
@Command([EditGotoField]; "Body");
sFooter := "c:\\FOOT.RTF";
sHeader := "c:\\HEAD.RTF";
REM "enviroment variable $RTFFilterVersion set in database script.postopen ";
REM "if 4.x then use _IRTF else if 5.0.1 use _IRTF else _IW4W (5.0.2 and above)";
bVerity :=@If(@TextToNumber(@Version) < 166; @False;@If(@Environment("$RTFFilterVersion") <= "_IRTF"; @False; @True));
sFilter := @If(bVerity; "Microsoft RTF"; "MicrosoftWord RTF");
@Command([FileImport]; sFilter; sHeader);
@Command([EditInsertText]; @NewLine + @NewLine);
@Command([FileImport]; sFilter; sFooter);
@Command([EditGotoField]; "SendTo")
Supporting Information:
Beginning with Notes 5.0.2, the import technology was changed to use filters from Verity. This is documented in the New Features section of the 5.0.2 QMR Release Notes (Document 7003253 ). Additionally, the filter list in the NOTES.INI was corrected beginning with 5.0.2. The former import entry:
EDITIMP2=MicrosoftWord RTF,0,_IRTF,,.DOC,.RTF,,2,
was changed to omit the word "WORD":
EDITIMP2=Microsoft RTF,0,_IW4W,_IRTF,.DOC,.RTF,,2,
The _IW4W parameter above means that Notes first attempts to use the new import technology from Verity. The _IRTF is a fallback to the old technology if the Verity technology does not work. The original text "Microsoft Word RTF" was incorrect and "Microsoft RTF" is the correct label.