@ Dosta
You are using the Calendaring & Scheduling functionality of Notes Client and Domino Server, and you have been given the appropriate access to read another person's calendar (through that person's Delegation Profile in their mail file). When in your calendar, you open that person's calendar ( in 4.5x or 4.6x you select Actions, Calendar Tools, Open Another Calendar. Or, in 5.x you select Actions, Tools, Open Calendar).
Upon exiting your mail file, you are prompted with the following message:
"Do you want to permanently delete # documents that are currently in the trash folder of database xxxxxx?"
If you select Yes, an error message states that you are not authorized to perform that operation, and the documents are not deleted. This message occurs if there are deleted documents (mail or calendar) in the trash folder of that person's mail file.
Even though the "Do you want to permanently delete..." message appears, you do not have the rights to delete documents from the other person's calendar, which is why the message, "You are not authorized to perform this operation" appears. This error will occur because you are opening the entire mail file. Even though you are only in the Calendar view, the entire mail file is opened. When you press ESCAPE, and documents are still in the trash folder, you are prompted to permanently delete them. This is because Notes is reading the deletions in the database and is asking if you want to delete them when you exit out of the database. This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering. There are no plans to address this issue in the currently supported Notes/Domino product series.
Supporting Information:
When you are given access in the other person's Delegation Profile to read their calendar (in the "Only the following people/groups can read my calendar" field), your equivalent Access Control List (ACL) setting in their mail file is set to "No Access" with the "Read Public Documents" checkbox selected.
What this means is the following:
- you can read calendar entries (which are public documents) in that person's mail file
- you cannot read emails (which are private documents) in that person's mail file
- you cannot delete documents from that person's mail file (since the "Delete Documents" checkbox is not selected for your name in their ACL)
Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. UserA gives UserB the ability to read UserA's calendar.
2. UserA deletes several calendar entries so that they appear in UserA's trash folder.
3. If UserA exits Notes, do not delete the documents when prompted.
4. UserB adds UserA's mail file to UserB's workspace.
5. UserB views UserA's calendar and then exits.
6. UserB is prompted to permanently delete the documents. If UserB selects Yes, the documents are not deleted because UserB does not have the authority to delete the documents.