Autor Thema: Redbook : Migration von Exchange 5.5 nach Domino 6  (Gelesen 1932 mal)

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Draft of the upcoming: Migrating from Microsoft Exchange 5.5 to Lotus Notes and Domino 6 is now available online at Please, submit your feedback and ratings through the Web site, we're still making changes to the book for a few weeks.

Many thanks to the authors, especially to Ted Dziekanowski, who had the responsibility to represent the whole Business Partner community. Well done Ted!

This IBM Redbook describes how to migrate from Microsoft Exchange 5.5 to IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 6.

First two chapters of the redbook discuss why an organization using Exchange 5.5. would want to move to Domino 6 and what kind of benefits can be gained. We lay out the different options that such an organization has for a future messaging infrastructure and discuss the pros and cons of each alternative.

Third chapter is written for project managers responsible for planning and managing the project and IT Architects who design the migration project and the future infrastructure. We discuss various topics that should be considered during the migration project. We give guidelines for creating the project plan and detail the individual steps related to it.

The last part of the book is written for technical specialists responsible for the implementation of the project. Chapters detail different coexistence and migration scenarios. We guide the reader through step by step the installation and setup of the coexistence and migration tools. We then show how to migrate users, messaging and calendaring information. We also detail the migration and coexistence results using the tools available on the market.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Why migrate from Exchange 5.5
Chapter 1. Why migrate from Exchange 5.5 to Domino 6
Chapter 2. Different messaging options for organizations using Exchange 5.5
Part 2. Planning for the migration
Chapter 3. Migration project overview
Part 3. Performing the migration project
Chapter 4. Using the Microsoft Exchange Connector for coexistence
Chapter 5. Coexistence using the TFS Gateway.
Chapter 6. Co-existence Scenarios - SMTP Routing
Chapter 7. Coexistence results - Calendar Connector
Chapter 8. Co-existence Results - SMTP Routing
Chapter 9. Migrating users useing Domino Upgrade Services
Chapter 10. Binary Tree Common Migration Tool for Lotus Notes
Chapter 11. Migration Results
Chapter 12. Public folders for Domino Administrators
Chapter 13. Public Folder Migration and Coexistence using ecKnowledge
Chapter 14. Public Folder Migration using the CMT for Exchange Public Folders migration tool
Chapter 15. Manually Migrating Public Folder Data
Chapter 16. Removing the Microsoft Exchange environment
Appendix A. Migration questionnaire
Appendix B. Exchange Connector Installation Checklist
Appendix C. Creating an Outlook Profile
Appendix D. Additional material
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Albert Einstein


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