yoo, hab ich wohl; muss ich holen, soll ich ??

REM "This formula satisfies ISO 8601:1988";
REM "D is the date of interest.";
D := @TextToTime(@Prompt([OKCANCELEDIT]; "Enter Date"; "Please enter a date to convert to a week number:"; ""));
REM "D := [31/12/95]";
FirstOfYear := @Date(@Year(D); 1; 1);
LastOfYear := @Date(@Year(D); 12; 31);
FirstDayNum := @Weekday(FirstOfYear);
LastDayNum := @Weekday(LastOfYear);
REM "ISO weeks start on Monday and ends on Sunday.";
ISOFirstDayNum := @If(FirstDayNum = 1; 7; FirstDayNum - 1);
ISOLastDayNum := @If(LastDayNum = 1; 7; LastDayNum - 1);
REM "The first and last ISO week is the first";
REM "and last ISO week to include Thursday";
IsFirstWeek := 7 - ISOFirstDayNum > 2;
IsLastWeek := 7 - ISOLastDayNum < 4;
REM "The date of the first day of the first ISO week";
ISOFirstDay := @If(IsFirstWeek;
@Adjust(FirstOfYear; 0; 0; 1 - ISOFirstDayNum; 0; 0; 0);
@Adjust(FirstOfYear; 0; 0; 8 - ISOFirstDayNum; 0; 0; 0));
REM "The date of the last day of the last ISO week";
ISOLastDay := @If(IsLastWeek;
@Adjust(LastOfYear; 0; 0; 7 - ISOLastDayNum; 0; 0; 0);
@Adjust(LastOfYear; 0; 0; -ISOLastDayNum; 0; 0; 0));
REM "Date outside ISOFirstDay and ISOlastDay";
REM "are from the previous or next year";
REM "Return the ISO week number and exit";
FirstWeekNextYear := @If(D > ISOLastDay; @Return(@Prompt([OK]; "FWNY";
@Text(@Year(D)+1) + "W01")); NULL);
REM "I suspect this is where Julian dates would be useful";
REM "A recursive call could be used in a real language";
LastWeekLastYear := (D - @Adjust(FirstOfYear; -1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0))/60/60/24/7;
AdjustLastWeek := 1 - (LastWeekLastYear - @Integer(LastWeekLastYear));
@Set("LastWeekLastYear"; LastWeekLastYear + AdjustLastWeek);
@If(D < ISOFirstDay;
@Return(@Prompt([OK]; "LWLY"; @Text(@Year(D) - 1) + "W" +
@Text(LastWeekLastYear))); NULL);
REM "If you get this far, the date falls into an ISO week this year";
REM "Convert the difference in seconds to weeks";
NumWeeks := (D - ISOFirstDay)/60/60/24/7;
REM "Fractions indicate that the date falls";
REM "in the middle of the ISO week";
WeekAdjust := 1 - (NumWeeks - @Integer(NumWeeks));
ISOWeekNum := NumWeeks + WeekAdjust;
REM "Conform to ISO 8601 format";
Result := @Text(ISOWeekNum);
@Prompt([OK];"Week number"; Result)