... hier ein Auszug aus der Hilfe von Notes:
For an agent activated in a view through the Notes client UI, the in-memory document is the document highlighted in the view.
For an agent run from a browser with the OpenAgent URL command, the in-memory document is a new document containing an item for each CGI (Common Gateway Interface) variable supported by Domino. Each item has the name and current value of a supported CGI variable. (No design work on your part is needed; the CGI variables are available automatically.)
For an agent run from a browser with @Command[ToolsRunMacro], the in-memory document is the current document. In the case of WebQueryOpen, this is the document before Domino converts it to HTML and sends it to the browser; in the case of WebQuerySave, this is the document before Domino saves it. If the form on which the document is based contains a field named the same as a Domino-supported CGI variable, the in-memory document also contains the value of that variable. (You must explicitly design the CGI variables into the form, for example, as hidden fields.)
... soviel zum DocumentContext...
... ich würde es mit einem zeitgesteuerten Agent probieren - zum Bsp. stündlich überprüfen, was in der letzten Stunde eingegangen ist, die Docs in eine Collection ziehen und dann abarbeiten...