Hallo allerseits,
ich bastel gerade an einem Tool, welches alle Agenten von allen Datenbanken eines nach bestimmten Kriterien scannt. Bei einigen Eigentschaften von Agenten muss man bekanntlich auf die Notes-API zurückgreifen. Z.B. um die Laufzeiteinstellungen auszulesen.
Das Script läuft auf unseren Clients und auf unseren Servern, die OS-seitig noch auf 32Bit laufen, wunderprächtig.
Peau à peau werden die Server jedoch auf 64Bit Maschinen umgezogen.
Nun habe ich beim Aufruf der API-Funktion NSFItemInfo ein Problem. Beim ersten Analysieren auf einem 64Bit-System ist mir aufgefallen, dass nach dem Aufruf der Funktion NSFItemInfo Block der BLOCKIDs jeweils auf "0" gesetzt ist, was nicht so sein sollte.
Das hätte zur Folge, dass im nächsten Schritt, wenn die Funktion OSLockObject aufgerufen werden soll, sich die Maschine verabschiedet.
Nun weiß ich, dass sich einige Datentypen auf 64Bit Maschinen geändert haben. Zumindest die Größen der Datentypen. Hat hier die Notes-API ein Problem, oder habe ich hier was falsch deklariert?
Anbei ein Code für einen Testagenten:
Option Public
Option Declare
Const wAPIModule = "nnotes"
Type AssistInfo
Version As Integer
TriggerType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 schedule, 2 new mail, 3 paste, 4 manual, 5 update, 6 router
SearchType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 all, 2 new, 3 new/mod, 4 selected, 5 view, 6 unread, 7 prompt, 8 UI
IntervalType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 minutes, 2 days, 3 weeks, 4 months
Interval As Integer
Time1 As Variant ' Start time (ms since midnight)
Time2 As Variant ' Long (weekday or day of month) or end time (ms since midnight)
StartTime As Variant ' Time/Date
EndTime As Variant ' Time/Date
Flags As Long ' 1 hidden, 2 no weekends, 4 store highlights, 8 mail/paste, 16 choose server
Spare(15) As Long
End Type
Type BlockID
hPool As Long
Block As Long
End Type
Declare Private Function W64_NSFDbClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" (Byval DBHANDLE As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_NSFDbOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" (Byval strPathName As String, DBHANDLE As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_NSFItemInfo Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFItemInfo" (Byval NOTEHANDLE As Long, Byval strItemName As String, Byval wItemNameLength As Integer, BLOCKID_Item As BlockID, wDataType As Integer, BLOCKID_Value As BlockID, dwValueLength As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_NSFNoteClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteClose" (Byval NOTEHANDLE As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_NSFNoteOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteOpen" (Byval DBHANDLE As Long, Byval NOTEID As Long, Byval WORD_FLAGS As Integer, NOTEHANDLE As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_OSLoadString Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSLoadString" (Byval HMODULE_hModule As Long, Byval STATUS_StringCode As Integer, Byval CharFar_RetBuffer As String, Byval WORD_BufferLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_OSLockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSLockObject" (Byval HANDLE As Double) As Double
Declare Private Function W64_OSPathNetConstruct Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" (Byval lngPortName As Long, Byval strServerName As String, Byval strFileName As String, Byval strPathName As String) As Integer
Declare Private Function W64_OSUnlockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSUnlockObject" (Byval HANDLE As Double) As Boolean
Sub Initialize
Dim ai As AssistInfo
Dim bid_item As BLOCKID
Dim bid_value As BLOCKID
Dim ag As NotesAgent
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dbl_pointer As Double
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim int_apiresult As Integer
Dim int_valuedatatype As Integer
Dim lng_dbhandle As Long
Dim lng_notehandle As Long
Dim lng_noteid As Long
Dim lng_valuelen As Long
Dim s As NotesSession
Dim str_filepath As String
Dim str_netfilepath As String
Dim str_server As String
Dim str_unid As String
Const NOERROR = 0
Const ASSIST_INFO_ITEM = "$AssistInfo"
' ### initialize ###
Set s = New NotesSession
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set ag = s.CurrentAgent
lng_dbhandle = NULLHANDLE
' ### get agent's design document ###
str_unid = Strleft(Strright(ag.NotesURL, ".nsf/"), "?OpenAgent")
Print {Universal ID = } & str_unid
Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(str_unid)
If doc Is Nothing Then
Print {Could not find agent's design document by universal ID "} & str_unid & {"!}
Goto terminate
End If
' ### get the network file name ###
str_server = db.Server
str_filepath = db.FilePath
str_netfilepath = Space(1024)
int_apiresult = W64_OSPathNetConstruct(0, str_server, str_filepath, str_netfilepath)
If Not(int_apiresult = NOERROR) Then
Print "Error due calling OSPathNetConstruct: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto terminate
End If
' ### open database handle ###
int_apiresult = W64_NSFDbOpen(str_netfilepath, lng_dbhandle)
If Not(int_apiresult = NOERROR) Then
Print "Error due calling NSFDbOpen: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto terminate
Print "lng_dbhandle = " & lng_dbhandle
End If
' ### open agent's note handle ###
lng_noteid = Clng("&H" & doc.NoteID)
Print "lng_noteid = " & lng_noteid
int_apiresult = W64_NSFNoteOpen(lng_dbhandle, lng_noteid, 0, lng_notehandle)
If Not(int_apiresult = 0) Then
Print "Error due calling NSFNoteOpen: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto close_db_handle
Print "lng_notehandle = " & lng_notehandle
End If
' ### read assist info item ###
int_apiresult = W64_NSFItemInfo(lng_notehandle, ASSIST_INFO_ITEM, Len(ASSIST_INFO_ITEM), bid_item, int_valuedatatype, bid_value, lng_valuelen)
If Not(int_apiresult = NOERROR) Then
Print "Error due calling NSFItemInfo: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto close_note_handle
Print "bid_item.hPool = " & bid_item.hPool
Print "bid_item.Block = " & bid_item.Block
Print "int_valuedatatype = " & int_valuedatatype
Print "bid_value.hPool = " & bid_value.hPool
Print "bid_value.Block = " & bid_value.Block
Print "lng_valuelen = " & lng_valuelen
End If
' ### lock object ###
' !!! because of a NULLBLOCK (bid_value.Block) the next call causes a PANIC on a server running on a 64 bit system
'dbl_pointer = W64_OSLockObject(bid_value.hPool&) + (bid_value.Block&)
' ### unlock object ###
'If W64_OSUnlockObject(bid_value.hPool) = False Then
' Print "Error due calling apiOSUnlockObject"
'End If
' ### close note handle ###
int_apiresult = W64_NSFNoteClose(lng_notehandle)
If Not(int_apiresult = NOERROR) Then
Print "Error due calling NSFNoteClose: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto terminate
End If
' ### close database handle ###
int_apiresult = W64_NSFDbClose(lng_dbhandle)
If Not(int_apiresult = NOERROR) Then
Print "Error due calling NSFDbClose: " & APIError(int_apiresult)
Goto terminate
End If
' ### termiante ####
Set doc = Nothing
Set ag = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set s = Nothing
End Sub
Function APIError(int_code As Integer)
Dim str_text As String
str_text = String$(1024, " ")
Call W64_OSLoadString(0, int_code And &H3FFF, str_text, 1024)
If Not(Instr(str_text, Chr$(0)) = 0) Then str_text = Left$(str_text, Instr(str_text, Chr$(0)) - 1)
If str_text = "" Or str_text = "No error" Then str_text = "Unknown error (&H" & Hex$(int_code) & ")"
APIError = str_text
End Function