Autor Thema: New way for Notes/Domino Usage Tracking  (Gelesen 2059 mal)

Offline AsiaPac

  • Frischling
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New way for Notes/Domino Usage Tracking
« am: 26.11.02 - 13:51:44 »
Hello! I hope that my first posting is okay with you all (apologies for my linmited German, so I decided to use English).

I discovered your interesting forum today, and thought that I would tell you about the free download "SDMS - the Simple Document Management System" -- which has NotesTracker usage tracking functionality built infor free. (NotesTracker itself is not free, but please take a look at it.)

Go to server in Australia, or to server in USA.

There are other free Notes/Comino downloads (such as Jagre's PowerPack Freebird) listed on plus many other Useful Links pages starting from the menu page
« Letzte Änderung: 26.11.02 - 14:06:10 von AsiaPac »


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