habe heute ein Update von Domino 5.0.11 auf Domino 6.5.1 gemacht. Die Machine ist ein Suse Linux 7.0 Enterprise Server.
Beim Start des Domino kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:
23.10.2004 18:17:22 HTTP JVM: corrupted library
23.10.2004 18:17:22 HTTP JVM: Can't load library "/opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/libcore.so", because /opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/libcore.so: undefined symbol: JNU_ThrowNullPointerException
23.10.2004 18:17:22 JVM: The Java Virtual Machine creation returned an invalid JVM machine pointer.
23.10.2004 18:17:22 JVM: Java Virtual Machine failed to start
23.10.2004 18:17:22 HTTP Server: Error Loading Java Virtual Machine
23.10.2004 18:17:22 HTTP Server: JVM: Missing entrypoint in JVM runtime library.
23.10.2004 18:17:23 HTTP Server: Shutdown
23.10.2004 18:17:52 AMgr: Agent ('' in '') error message: corrupted library
23.10.2004 18:17:52 AMgr: Agent ('' in '') error message: Can't load library "/opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/libcore.so", because /opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/libcore.so: undefined symbol: JNU_ThrowNullPointerException
23.10.2004 18:17:52 JVM: The Java Virtual Machine creation returned an invalid JVM machine pointer.
23.10.2004 18:17:52 JVM: Java Virtual Machine failed to start
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