alle Items (Felder) bekommst Du mit der Eigenschadft Items in der Klasse NotesDocument.
Dim doc As NotesDocument
'...set value of doc...
Forall i In doc.Items
Messagebox( i.Name ) 'Feldname
msgbox i.ValueLnength 'Feldlänge
msgbox i.Type 'Feldtyp
End Forall
Den Namen, Typ und die Länge kannst Du wie folgt holen:
itemName$ = notesItem.Name
size% = notesItem.ValueLength
itemType% = notesItem.Type
bei Typ:
Legal values
ACTIONCD (16) means saved action CD records; non-Computable; canonical form
ASSISTANTINFO (17) means saved assistant information; non-Computable; canonical form
ATTACHMENT (1084) means file attachment
AUTHORS (1076) means authors
DATETIMES (1024) means date-time value or range of date-time values
EMBEDDEDOBJECT (1090) means embedded object
ERRORITEM (256) means an error occurred while accessing the type
FORMULA (1536) means Notes formula
HTML (21) means HTML source text
ICON (6) means icon
LSOBJECT (20) means saved LotusScript Object code for an agent
MIME_PART (25) means MIME support
NAMES (1074) means names
NOTELINKS (7) means link to a database, view, or document
NOTEREFS (4) means reference to the parent document
NUMBERS (768) means number or number list
OTHEROBJECT (1085) means other object
QUERYCD (15) means saved query CD records; non-Computable; canonical form
READERS (1075) means readers
RICHTEXT (1) means rich text
means signature
TEXT (1280) means text or text list
UNAVAILABLE (512) means the item type isn't available
UNKNOWN (0) means the item type isn't known
USERDATA (14) means user data
USERID (1792) means user ID name
VIEWMAPDATA (18) means saved ViewMap dataset; non-Computable; canonical form
VIEWMAPLAYOUT (19) means saved ViewMap layout; non-Computable; canonical form