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How Is a "From" or "Reply to" Internet Address Formed in Domino R5?
How is a "From" or "Reply to" Internet address formed in Domino R5?
The process by which Domino 5.x formats the "From" or "Reply to" Internet address is as follows:
1. If an address is found in the Internet Address field of the Location document, then the mailer will populate the InetFrom field with this address. The router will also use this address to format the From or Reply address.
2. If the Location document's Internet Address field is empty, or a Notes 4.x client is used, the Person document is then referenced, and the Reply address will be the Internet address of the Person document. If the Internet Address field is populated, that address will be used.
Note: For the R5 router to look up the Internet address from the Person document or build the Internet address from the global domain, one of the following fields must be enabled:
A. The "Internet address lookup" feature of the Global Domain document. The Global Domain document can be found in the domain view of the Domino directory; if one does not exist, one can be created. The above field can be found on the conversions tab of the global domain document.
B. The "Lookup Internet address for all Notes addresses when Internet address is not defined in document" field can be found on the SMTP Server Configuration document. To find the correct field, follow this tab path: (MIME\Conversions Options\Outbound).
If neither A nor B are enabled, and there is no address specified in the Location document, then the default settings of the Global Domain document will be used, and the address format will be as follows:
"Joe_User/ou/org%org@internetdomain.org" without the quotes.
If there are too many users to populate the Internet address manually, you can use the tool provided in the Domino administrator. Refer to the Supporting Information section below for details on the Internet address tool.
3. If (1) there is no entry in the Internet Address field of the user's Location document, and (2) the user's Internet Address field in the Person document is empty and (3) there is no Internet address specified in the user's Shortname field of the Person document, then the user's Internet address will be built from the Server Configuration document and the Global Domain document.
NOTE: The Internet address lookup field of the Global Domain document and/or the "Lookup Internet address for all Notes addresses when Internet address is not defined in document" field in the Configuration document (under Mime, Conversion Options, Outbound) must be enabled.