Das Notes Forum
Sonstiges => Offtopic => Thema gestartet von: Meff am 04.06.03 - 07:14:04
From the Associated Press wire:
"The iLoo being developed by the MSN division of Microsoft Corp. in Britain is a standard portable toilet ...
MSN officials say they're negotiating for the manufacture of toilet paper imprinted with Web addresses that users may not have tried.
'The Internet's so much a part of everyday life now that surfing on the loo was the next natural step,' MSN marketing manager Tracy Blacher said."
There are way too many punch lines to insert here. Like:
Well, I know Microsoft was looking to grow their hardware revenue, but their profit model is usually "by the drink", not "by the flush"
There goes another billion of Bill's money down the toilet
How long will it be before they sh*tcan this project?
Of course, Rob Novak decided that he's a comedian, too, and has added like six additional punchlines to the post...
wobei die Idee witzig ist, wenn Suse an ALDI Toilettenpapier zu Selbstkosten verkaufen täte und drauf wäre dann sowas wie "Microsoft, zum...." oder "Windows XP, schon abgeschmiert?".. ;D ;D ;D
(wobei ich aber ehrlich gestehen muß, daß ich Microsoft als Unternehmen bewundere)