Library ChatGPT
Created 25.02.2023 by
Ayhan Sahin/FDI <ayhan.sahin@fdi.de>
Christian Sadeghi/SUEDWESTMETALL <sadeghi@suedwestmetall.de>
Description: Simple ChatGPT API Client
Option Public
Option Declare
Use "JSONParser"
Class ChatGPT
Private query As String
Private config As Variant
Private request As String
Private apiurl As String
Private apikey As String
Private modell As String
Private maxtokens As String
Private temperature As String
Private presencepenalty As String
Private frequencypenalty As String
Private topp As String
Private responsetype As String
Sub New ()
Call setup()
End Sub
Sub Delete()
End Sub
Main routine to build and query ChatGPT API
@ToDo: Extend the checks on oRequest after request for errors
Public Function init(sQuery As String, aConfig As Variant)
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim oRequest As NotesHTTPRequest
Dim sResponseContent As String
Dim oResponseHeaders As Variant
' Set query and config
Me.query = cGetQuery(sQuery)
Me.config = aConfig
' Setup / Override the config
Call setConfig()
' Validate and request the API
If isValidRequest Then
Me.request = cGetRequestContent()
Me.apiurl = cGetAPIUrl()
' Do the request
Set oRequest = s.CreateHTTPRequest()
oRequest.Preferstrings = True
Call oRequest.SetHeaderField("Content-Type", "application/json")
Call oRequest.SetHeaderField("Authorization", "Bearer " & Me.apikey)
sResponseContent = oRequest.post(Me.apiurl, Me.request)
oResponseHeaders = oRequest.Getresponseheaders()
' *** Simple check (needs to be extended)
If UCase(oRequest.Responsecode) <> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" Then
If Me.responsetype = "TEXT" Then
sResponseContent = |{"choices":[{"text":"| & oRequest.ResponseCode & |"}, {"text": "There was an error retrieving the API response"}]}|
sResponseContent = |{"status":"| & oRequest.ResponseCode & |", "message": "There was an error retrieving the API response"}|
End If
End If
End If
' *** Return-Mode of the response
If Me.responsetype = "TEXT" Then
sResponseContent = getResponseAsText(sResponseContent)
' Fix the response for a valid JSON if empty
If sResponseContent = "" Then
sResponseContent = "[]"
End If
End If
init = sResponseContent
End Function
Function setup
Description: Set default values for this class
Private Function setup()
Me.apikey = ""
Me.modell = "gpt-4"
Me.maxtokens = "1000"
Me.temperature = "0"
Me.presencepenalty = "0"
Me.frequencypenalty = "0"
Me.topp = "1"
Me.responsetype = "JSON"
End Function
Function setConfig
Description: Sets / Overrides the current config from the given one
Private Function setConfig()
If getConfigKey("apikey") <> "" Then
Me.apikey = getConfigKey("apikey")
End If
If getConfigKey("modell") <> "" Then
Me.modell = getConfigKey("modell")
End If
If getConfigKey("maxtokens") <> "" Then
Me.maxtokens = getConfigKey("maxtokens")
End If
If getConfigKey("temperature") <> "" Then
Me.temperature = getConfigKey("temperature")
End If
If getConfigKey("presencepenalty") <> "" Then
Me.presencepenalty = getConfigKey("presencepenalty")
End If
If getConfigKey("frequencypenalty") <> "" Then
Me.frequencypenalty = getConfigKey("frequencypenalty")
End If
If getConfigKey("topp") <> "" Then
Me.topp = getConfigKey("topp")
End If
If getConfigKey("responsetype") <> "" Then
Me.responsetype = getConfigKey("responsetype")
End If
End Function
Function getConfigKey
Description: Returns values from given configuration key
Private Function getConfigKey(key As String) As String
If IsElement(Me.config(key)) = True Then
getConfigKey = Me.config(key)
getConfigKey = ""
End If
End Function
Function isValidRequest
Description: Checks if everything is set properly to call the webservice
@ToDo: More accurate checks
Private Function isValidRequest()
Dim bReturn As Boolean
bReturn = True
If Me.apikey = "" Then
bReturn = False
End If
If Me.query = "" Then
bReturn = False
End If
If Me.modell = "" Then
bReturn = False
End If
isValidRequest = bReturn
End Function
Function cGetAPIUrl
Description: Returns the API URL
@ToDo: Retrieve this from a configuration
Private Function cGetAPIUrl()
cGetAPIUrl = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions"
End Function
Function cCleanQuery
Description: Removes unwanted characters from the query
Private Function cGetQuery(sQuery As String)
Dim sTmp As String
sTmp = FullTrim(sQuery)
If sTmp <> "" Then
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, |"|, ||)
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, |'|, ||)
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, |&|, ||)
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, Chr(10), ||)
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, Chr(9), ||)
sTmp = cReplaceSubString(sTmp, Chr(13), ||)
End If
cGetQuery = FullTrim(sTmp)
End Function
Function cGetRequestSkeleton
Description: Gets the basic skeleton for a ChatGPT request
@ToDo: Extend the skeleton
Private Function cGetRequestContent()
Dim sData As String
sData = |{
"model": "| & Me.modell & |",
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "| & Me.query & |"}],
"temperature": | & Me.temperature & |,
"max_tokens": | & Me.maxtokens & |,
"top_p": | & Me.topp & |,
"frequency_penalty": | & Me.frequencypenalty & |,
"presence_penalty": | & Me.presencepenalty & |
cGetRequestContent = sData
End Function
Function getResponseAsText
Description: Merges the API-Response-Text (JSON) to a single Text
Private Function getResponseAsText(sJSON As String)
Dim sTmp As String
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jsonObj As JSONObject
Dim jsonArr As JSONArray
Dim jsonString As String
Set parser = New JSONParser
Set jsonObj = parser.parse(sJSON)
If jsonObj.HasItem("choices") = True Then
ForAll x In jsonObj.GetItem("choices").Items
sTmp = sTmp + " " + x.GetItem("message").GetItem("content")
End ForAll
End If
getResponseAsText = sTmp
End Function
Helper Class
Private Function cReplaceSubString(sString As String, sFind As String, sReplace As String)
Dim sReturn As String
Dim sTemp As String
If sFind = "" Then
cReplaceSubString = sString
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = sString
Dim i As Double
i = InStr(sTemp, sFind)
While (i > 0)
sReturn = sReturn + Left(sTemp, i -1) + sReplace
sTemp = Mid(sTemp, i + Len(sFind))
i = InStr(sTemp, sFind)
sReturn = sReturn + sTemp
cReplaceSubString = sReturn
End Function
End Class